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Crimson’s Road to Losing His Virginity - CRIMSON JUST LOST HIS VIRGINITY


Apr 2, 2021
Get Laid
Hey guys,

I'm Crimson and I will be posting my progress on losing my virginity through online dating on here. I’m following Andy‘s Tinder guide btw.

I‘m 19 years old, 1.93m /6‘4 inches tall and live in Germany.
These are the pictures I currently use on my Tinder profile:
My pictures are not optimized or the best by far, but add some activity photos/more urban/aesthetically pleasing backgrounds rather then the easy no effort ones you have right now in pictures 2+3 some dirty wall, and some not aesthetically pleasing dirty park that looks like a lot of the things are in the background are rotting. Get a DSLR or a mirror less camera with a 50mm lens, I suggest looking into mirrorless if you have the money, as it's better then a DSLR. The background is not blurred so the observer is looking everywhere, instead if the background was blurry and you weren't it averts there attention to you. Start trying to try and paint a picture in the girls mind of what type of guy you are/your vibe instead of just trying to look good.
Mimbe393939 said:
My pictures are not optimized or the best by far, but add some activity photos/more urban/aesthetically pleasing backgrounds rather then the easy no effort ones you have right now in pictures 2+3 some dirty wall, and some not aesthetically pleasing dirty park that looks like a lot of the things are in the background are rotting. Get a DSLR or a mirror less camera with a 50mm lens, I suggest looking into mirrorless if you have the money, as it's better then a DSLR. The background is not blurred so the observer is looking everywhere, instead if the background was blurry and you weren't it averts there attention to you. Start trying to try and paint a picture in the girls mind of what type of guy you are/your vibe instead of just trying to look good.

Mimbe393939 Yeah, you’re right. Gotta take better pics. As far as the DSLR, I still have to earn the money for it. I get what you mean by focusing on the overall vibe your pictures give to girls as well, that makes a lot of sense.

Thanks for the advice, will implement! Btw, I added a blindfold picture as my first pic.
Get rid of the blindfold pic

Filtering for BDSM girls won't work when the rest of your profile is incongruous and you're a virgin so they'll know what's up very quickly anyway

You'll do fine with regular girls
september said:
Get rid of the blindfold pic

Filtering for BDSM girls won't work when the rest of your profile is incongruous and you're a virgin so they'll know what's up very quickly anyway

You'll do fine with regular girls

september Oh okay, I did it because Andy said it would skyrocket your results but yeah, I obviously have no experience with BDSM so I‘ll remove it. I was hella nervous about putting it up anyways haha, so thanks.
What I did today:

•Went to gym

•Gave myself a haircut, shaved body hair

•Removed the BDSM pic from my profile (as seen above)

•I texted quite a lot of girls and also swiped a lot. I've gotten a couple matches and a few replies.

We'll see tomorrow. (Btw, hopefully nobody that I know saw my profile while it had the BDSM picture in it, haha.)
What do you guys think I should do with my hair? Do y’all think it’s fine like this or should I change something?

For the record the hairstyle with the longer hair is my current hairstyle. I also cut my own hair, I don’t go to a barber anymore.

I personally think I look better with long hair like this rather than short hair like the pictures all the way below.
Brandon - this is the 3rd time we've crossed paths, but this is the first time you've laid down a serious goal.

I am proud of you little bro.

You can achieve anything you like, WORK HARD, YOU WILL SUCEED

Anyone have a chance in this world

Anyone can come from the back and take the prize

MakingAComeback said:
Brandon - this is the 3rd time we've crossed paths, but this is the first time you've laid down a serious goal.

I am proud of you little bro.

You can achieve anything you like, WORK HARD, YOU WILL SUCEED

Anyone have a chance in this world

Anyone can come from the back and take the prize


MakingAComeback Thanks bro, it means a lot to hear that from you. Your words are very encouraging.

I’ll try my best to achieve this goal, haven’t given up on the AA Program either, I’ll return to it later. Good luck to you on your journey as well!
What I did today:

•Went to gym

•Counted calories

•Looked for a job (to finance DSLR camera)

•Asked my cousin wether he‘ll take some pictures with me on the weekend (he agreed)

•Also googled some tattoo artists in my city

Got a few matches and replies on the dating apps today, but no numbers unfortunately. They‘ll come with time and better pics.
There is this black guy from another community who was doing pretty well in Germany. Maybe it helps you with some inspiration.


After his success he's also a coach now but preaches the opposite of this community.

By the way, DSLRs are overrated considering the crazy good phone cameras these days. Lighting, shadows, angles, distance and perspective matter way more. Learn photography first and get yourself the DSLR later if you don't have the cash now. Biggest advantage DSLRs have are blur with the right lenses and the availability of .raw files for editing.
Asst said:
There is this black guy from another community who was doing pretty well in Germany. Maybe it helps you with some inspiration.


After his success he's also a coach now but preaches the opposite of this community.

By the way, DSLRs are overrated considering the crazy good phone cameras these days. Lighting, shadows, angles, distance and perspective matter way more. Learn photography first and get yourself the DSLR later if you don't have the cash now. Biggest advantage DSLRs have are blur with the right lenses and the availability of .raw files for editing.

Asst Thanks for the video bro, I will watch it. And yeah, I feel you on the DSLR topic, the newer phones definitely come close.
What I did today:

•Stuck to 2000 kcal

•Made a call to get a job, will get update tomorrow

•Played some basketball (side effect: it aids fat loss)

•Read 2 Pages of self-help book (CBT for dummies)

Got a few matches and replies again today, still no numbers though. Will hopefully meet my cousin on the weekend so we can take some new pics together.
What's up y'all so yesterday I was out with my cousin and we played basketball and took some pics for my tinder.

This is the only one I thought was decent:

The first one is the original unedited version, the second one the one that I edited a bit.

Feedback is well appreciated! Do y'all think the photo is good enough for my Tinder profile?
Newbie here, please take with grain of salt.

Physique is good. Pose-wise I'm gonna say your upper half looks somewhat natural but legs give away a "staged" feeling. I'm guessing it's because you're walking direction and looking direction both have a conflicting conviction. Photo could be improved with a background better than bushes/shrubs/surrounded tree. Another person or two behind you out of focus in the background would probably give a feeling of being sociable too
bluewater said:
Newbie here, please take with grain of salt.

Physique is good. Pose-wise I'm gonna say your upper half looks somewhat natural but legs give away a "staged" feeling. I'm guessing it's because you're walking direction and looking direction both have a conflicting conviction. Photo could be improved with a background better than bushes/shrubs/surrounded tree. Another person or two behind you out of focus in the background would probably give a feeling of being sociable too

bluewater Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, the background and pose could definetly be better, I agree. Do you think it's good enough for my Tinder profile?
Crimson said:
bluewater said:
Newbie here, please take with grain of salt.

Physique is good. Pose-wise I'm gonna say your upper half looks somewhat natural but legs give away a "staged" feeling. I'm guessing it's because you're walking direction and looking direction both have a conflicting conviction. Photo could be improved with a background better than bushes/shrubs/surrounded tree. Another person or two behind you out of focus in the background would probably give a feeling of being sociable too

@bluewater Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, the background and pose could definetly be better, I agree. Do you think it's good enough for my Tinder profile?

I couldn't say for sure as I'm also still figuring tinder out myself, sorry. I wouldn't use this as first pic or even second because it seems staged but really you'd have to try and experiment and see, who knows, because your abdominal physique seems good. What are your other photos? Those probably matter a lot as well
bluewater said:
Crimson said:
@bluewater Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, the background and pose could definetly be better, I agree. Do you think it's good enough for my Tinder profile?

I couldn't say for sure as I'm also still figuring tinder out myself, sorry. I wouldn't use this as first pic or even second because it seems staged but really you'd have to try and experiment and see, who knows, because your abdominal physique seems good. What are your other photos? Those probably matter a lot as well

bluewater It's all good bro and I understand the staged aspect. You can find the rest of my Tinder pics at the very top of this log on page 1.
maestro said:
Grüße nach Deutschland, Kollege ;)

Alright back to English.
In your first post. Delete the pic with the cap with the white shirt and look down. No face. No Information about yourself. No use at all.
Basketball pic. Could be better but I would put it in your profile for now. One thing I kinda dislike about it, are the colors. Can not put the finger on it but the fact that the floor and your skintone have a similar kind of color (does that make sense?) I guess.....just colorwise there is something off. You would pop more if the background was more whiteish.

Add one good fun-pic. With friends or so. And if you got some 1 more hobby, make a pic of that. Should be a first base from which you can further improve from. Remember, one step at a time.

Kriegst schon hin ;)

Danke, für das Feedback bro, schön hier auch Deutsche zu sehen!
Yeah, you're right my skin and the floor color look quite similar. Alright I'll remove the cap pic and put this one in. And yeah, I definetly will take some more pics, like you said one step at a time.