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Critique my Tinder profile


Jan 20, 2021
Hello everyone, I am recently new to online dating and I'd like some opinions from you on my Tinder profile. I will follow the same baseline for others dating app as well. Here are my photos + my bio.

Picture nr.3 it's a video of me flipping a risotto, so it's not a static image. And yes, it' not on focus on me but more on the risotto for the slow motion flipping effect. Eager to hear you thoughts on this.

Agree with Giles. Your pics are low quality, and not terribly flattering. Ideally you want all pictures taken with a DSLR - portraits with a blurry background so you stick out. Appearance-wise, it's the usual advice: be lean, put on muscle, dress edgier w/ accessories, have an edgy haircut that fits you. 2-3 good pics are better than 9 shitty pics.

Anyways, Andy describes how to upgrade your appearance and take good pics in great detail in his tinder Part 1 guide, check it out.