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Danny's progress log


Dec 11, 2023
Hey guys!

For a long time i procrastinated getting my social and dating life in check. I used the common excuses like "I need to get super jacked first before i can start anything", or "I need to make money first".

Here are my current goals:
- Get to 12% body fat (not tooo far off)
- Loose my virginity

For actions this is what i have done:
- I downloaded Tinder, Bumble and Hinge
- Got a couple matches and went on my first date (ever)
- I'm not that nervous anymore on dates now and i'm way more confident

Actions i am going to take:
- I don't get many matches on dating apps (like a handfull at best), so i need to up my pictures.
- Get better fitting clothes
- Get better pictures
- Go on more dates

I will post my first question as a reply here :)
So I went on my first date 2 weeks ago and it actually went decent.

We vibed but i did not escalate or anything since this was my first date ever.

After the date i messaged her and said i had a good time and she responded positively.

We then talked for a bit on Whatsapp and set up a 2nd date.

But on the day of the 2nd date she said she was indirectly in contact with someone who has scabbies (she did not know and they did not have any skin to skin contact).

I had some "similar" skin issue a year and a half ago so i freaked out a bit and rescheduled. She seemed like she did not mind.

So i canceled and told her we should meet later.

Couple days later i setup a cafe date (so i did not need to escalate).

Everything went fine, we vibed similarly (prob less awkward this time).

I sent this a couple hours after the 2nd date:

Hey {insert name}, it was nice meeting you and I had fun.

2 things i want to mention:

Not sure if i mentioned this but i don't have tooo much experience dating, just a couple dates so i am a bit inexperienced and akward here and there. I want to get to know you more personally and not just interest and hobbies lol

The scabies thing is bothering me a bit tbh, the time i had some skin shit ~1.5 years ago was a bit rough, bring a glove or something so i can hold your hand you know what i mean? :)

She hasn't responded yet (has been around a day).

I can see after sending it that it is a bit cringy and she doesn't have an easy way to respond to it.

Is there any way to salvage this?

At the end of the date we hugged and she seemed normal.

I also notice that i am a bit needy since this is the first girl im "going out" with, need to get more experience to fix that.

I am a bit attached since this is the first girl to show me some interests (date wise), but I will be fine if I loose her.

Btw: Kinda glad i actually went on my first few dates, she's pretty and i was not that nervous, KYIL and PWF helped me a alot.
Yeah TMI on the message imho. However, if she’s really cool it won’t matter. If the thread is dead (doesn’t reply in her normal response time) just pretend you didn’t send it - that is send another message that’s within the spirit of your previous messages.

If she’s gone on two dates with you she already likes you. And if she got turned off, don’t worry. Just a learning experience
Great action taking young blood!

I want to praise you for that, and at this moment, I'd rather you just keep getting dates and being consistent.

Welcome to Winner Within, and you are a young chap, something I love to see here.

Lets push you to really WORK ;-)

Hey guys, its been a while but i have been trying to fix my dating life!

The girl in my first post ghosted me a bit but that's fine. I was sad at first but i realized that i was only sad because i did not have any other girl.

So for some context: I am 21 and don't really have that many friends and was tired of that.

So i took it upon myself to start creating my "inner-circle"/social-life by hosting parties with students of the nearby university to me. For 2 weeks we have done that and it has been great. My social skills are definitely improving, i can hold conversations now, I'm not tooo nervous and I am building a list of a lot of people (including cute girls).

I am planning to start approaching aswell :)

But i am someone who thinks a lot and noticed these problems:
- I can have basic conversations with people + girls but i have 0 clue how to steer it into a date or something. I still feel awkward complimenting girls (i have not done it at the parties)
- I am not too nervous about physical escalation but i don't know what to do. Like i understand that i should be touching her hands, elbows, shoulders, waist but i am not sure how and when to do that. I think i just lack a lot of social experience and prob a bit autistic lol

But yeah, social life feels decent now! I went from loner to hosting parties "over-night" which just some effort