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Jul 1, 2020
OptimisticalRanger said:
Specifically, I'd love to know which of the couch photos is better.

None. All of these are equally bad photos. You should delete all of those, then read Andy's photo guide again.
Maybe girls like your looks regardless? Or maybe tinder alghorithm likes you. Idk. But the photos itself are terrible.
OptimisticalRanger said:
If they are all bad then why am I getting so many matches?

You're getting matches because you're an attractive guy in great shape. The photos are bad, and you will get a lot more matches and with better looking girls if you improve them.

There are too many mistakes in the photos to point out-- read Andy's articles. For example:
- You're facing the wrong way in your outdoor portrait photos (the background is way too bright so you look dark).
- Your facial expressions are wrong-- your eyes are open too wide and your mouth should not be open unless you're smiling. It's a stiff, unpleasant vibe
- Your style is basic and boring-- although muscle adds edge by definition.
- Selfies are generally discouraged but the gym selfie is your best pic out of the set...the lighting isn't horrific, your arm looks huge and it shows you at least leave the house sometimes.
- The guitar hobby pic is a good idea but badly executed.. terrible lighting, your foot is the closest thing to the camera, whole set up subcommunicates loneliness etc
- "working on laptop pic" is also a good idea but needs to be done outside sitting at a table with a coffee...a park, clean city center, or upscale hotel as the background. sitting on the couch does not signal any attractive traits

There's a learning curve to this stuff, keep at it. Instead of improvising, I would pick specific photos to emulate and try to get as close as possible.