dezenove - Daily Journal


Dec 20, 2022
Good afternoon, guys. I'm still learning how to use this forum as it's my first experience with a forum.
One of my goals in my journey to achieve a good life is to keep writing a daily journal, just so I can read my thoughts. Idk, it makes me feel better.

Today is my birthday! I am now 20! It's really nice to look back and have the chance to say i'm happy. Unfortunately, not everyone can say the same. My neighbour commited suicide today. He jumped from the 7th floor. I am in shock, althought I never spoke with him. I don't know much about depression, suicide et cetera. But I feel like my heart is empty. The more I think about it, the worst. In the exact moment that I was happy, with my family singing the old "Happy birthday" song. This guy was going throught his worst, and decided to take away his own life. What caused him to do this? Why nobody helped him?

Seeing this happening ruined my day.

His mother has arrived. Man. This is sad.
i'll write more about my goals later
Hello. As I was saying, today is my birthday! Now I start a new journey, a new cycle initiates. 365 days from now, I want to be better than today. In addition, I have some goals that can be achieved in this period of time:

Be organized (maintain my room and my studies organized)
This has everything to be complicated, as I am not very organized and this 2 semesters of 2023 are gonna be full of classes, but I trust my guts! I want to be a lawyer, so I need to be a good student first.

Make money
As I said previously, in 2023, I will focus in college, but I need money. Now that I'm out of the army, I've got some money I can use during this new year, maintaining my curret life standard, but I want to use it to open a business and raise this standard! By the end of the year, I'm going to have a sucessful business, materialized in a car, house for my own and a simpe trip with my family.
This is my BIG objective for 2023, because I finally have the means. But I don't know where i can put this money. (Brazilian Stock market is good, but not the fastest way, considering my resources; Dropshipping looks cool, but I can easily be scammed; I can also open a store, but i would have to be phisically there, which would be hard). Well, I have until march to figure out how, until college starts.

Get a good body
Basically work out and eat well. I don't find it hard, but this objective is as important as the others. I'm happy with my body, but it can be better. Also, I want to get better girls, so it's a fair trade.

Get better girls
Better and more! I get laid, but what bothers me is that I think I don't make good usage of my traits. I think I can get prettier because I'm prettier than the girls I get at the moment. I hope to find valuable knowledge in this website that can help me.

Develop social skills
As I said before, I want to be a politician. So, it's important to create a big and strong social network. I already have a good one in the army, but, here in Brazil, the college is the most important place to do this. So, to achieve this quicker, I will develop social skills that will allow me to do so. Hope to find this here!

These are the main objectives, but what will make me achieve this is hard work. I'll do my best to keep journaling, somyself and others can learn from my mistakes.

About the incident of my neighbour, he actually jumped from the 13th floor. I still can't believe it. I was heartbroken when heard his mother crying. It's never easy. May God bless his soul and his family.
Day 2
Nothing happened. Just a normal day.
I organized my room and watched some videos about entrepreneurship.
Day 7
Spent the past days on the farm. Nothing to do other than think. I did some research on things to do with my money, organized my classes for this semester. Doing good. But it can be better...
Day 10
I'm back home! Today I went to the gym, even though I was tired. Also, I maintened a good nutrition today.
I can't stop thinking about what I am gonna do with my money... everytime I think about an alternative, I face many more obstacles.
Anyways, Happy New Year! Hopefully this year will be good to all of us who seek a better life.
Day 12
In the first day of the year, I went to a walk on the beach and went to talk with the creator. This year is starting good. I've hit 78kg and i'm just waiting some guys from hong kong reply my emails so I can buy some things to open a store here.
A Little Humility

Recently, I've been having a hard time working towards achieving my goals. Although I was able to gain weight through diet and the gym, my plan to make money went downhill, unfortunately. About college, I decided to be more patient, to be able to study with quality. About social skills, I haven't learned anything. In fact, I've been wasting a lot of time on social media.

Today I went out to a neighborhood that has a lot of ballads here and I found out that I don't like it as much as I used to. I'm going to have to find new ways to talk to women, which is a big part of my goals for the year.

I also want to improve my appearance, especially now that I can grow my hair. It will give me more confidence to talk to more attractive women.

Either way, it's important to recognize when you're not on the right track and that's what this text is for.
Bigger goals

Now that I've taken the time to break down each goal I had this year, I feel it's right to review them.

I realized that I can much more than I thought I could. So I will use my audacity.

Dream body.
This year I will get my dream body. I will work out early in the morning and eat well, making no exceptions. The only problem I have lately is laziness in making my own food. But that will change.
NEW GOAL: 87kg ~ Shape like Conor McGregor.
I am tall and my wingspan is also large, so I think I should look up to someone who resembles me.

There doesn't seem to be much you can do about it other than study for college. However, I will participate in extracurricular activities and competitions. It's not very common here in Brazil, especially in law school, but I'll do my best.

sex life
I have the impression that the only thing that prevents me from having an active sex life is the lack of attitude. Logically, this forum and this blog exist to cure this evil. My goal of getting laid 10 times this year is ridiculous. I have to force myself to want more. So even though I have zero confidence in myself, I'm going to use all my audacity and change my goal to: getting laid 3 times in each month of 2023.

build power
Since writing at the beginning of the year, I've earned some money from a job I did last year. I wanted to start a business and I almost became a vape dealer, but it didn't work out. I found out that my money, which I thought was a lot, doesn't buy anything. So I'm going to invest that money, while I do contests. Thank God I'm smart and I'm good with tests. I'm going to study to take exams and earn a salary. Knowing this possibility, I will use my audacity and stick to my goal: to buy a house and a car in 2023. It is possible.

As I learned on the good old (and now banned – I think) r/theredpill, it's important to be a man of culture. Therefore, I will take a French class a day, in a course I have, as well as read every day.