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Dijkstra's AA Log


Apr 22, 2021
Day 4/5

Combining both days into a single post, probably going to continue doing so over the next few weeks.

Went out for my first day of drills yesterday, going for a walk in my (suburban) neighborhood and combining it with a grocery run. I've gotta admit, it was more challenging than I was expecting, but nothing I couldn't handle. Ended up asking three girls for the time, wanted to do more but couldn't find any more girls to talk to and I was done my grocery run anyway.

Went downtown for day 5 today, finished off the two remaining from yesterday plus the ten I had to do for day 5. I found it pretty easy, although it did take me a little longer than I would have liked- 1.5 hours overall. Gotta work on cutting that down. Oh, and I had my first rejection today! Went up to a girl, asked if she had the time, all she said was nope. Guess I'm gonna have to get used to that, lol

I had a couple of questions, but figured I could probably answer them for myself:

Q1. How old is too old? How attractive do the women need to be?
A. The point is to conquer approach anxiety, so ideally the more attractive the better. I think I'm going to use "women I'd consider going up to hitting on" to be my baseline, for now.

Q2. When asking for the time, is it okay to ask groups of two or more women?
A. Definitely. I'd say it makes it a bit more challenging, so all the better. Plus, I'll probably end up seeing more groups of girls than single girls, so including groups creates more opportunities for me.

Q3. Should I be concerned about situations in which the request for time may seem inauthentic? E.g. phone in pocket, walking past someone else to ask a specific girl, asking a girl while in visual range of the previous girl you asked, circling a specific block a couple of times, etc.
A. Ideally not, since I'm going to have to get used to looking like a bit of a weirdo/creeper anyway, but realistically it's a factor that'll probably continue to influence which girls I end up talking to, especially at the beginning. I think easing into being comfortable in these situations will come with time.

Let me know if you guys have any thoughts on this, though. I'd love to hear any alternative opinions.