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Do I cut, or shall I bulk more?

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
I want to be lean and muscular for summer. I started loosing weight back in May last year by dieting and gyming, allowing me to hit a comfortable 13st. 3 lb in October. I have since then put on a stone by clean bulking. No idea how much is fat, and how much is muscle.

I want to get myself back down to to that 13st, 3 lb range, and possible further, however far I need to go to have abs.

From the attached picture, and idea what I should do to maximise my loosk come June time? Should I bulk more, or start the cut?

I'd say cut. The muscle you've built up is far more likely to show with a lower BF%. Doesn't have to be anything crazy either. Aim for something like a 300kcal deficit and add 2 LISS (low intenstity steady state) cardio sessions that last around 25 minutes to start.
