Does the bathmate negatively affect erection quality?

The Vagabond

Sep 19, 2022
It's always harder for me to get 'really hard' after Bathmate. For most people it won't be a problem or much of at least, but when you really pump it well, I can't see anyone not feeling the difference. If you have erection problems, then I would advise against using it before sex, but of course just try and see for yourself. Don't pump it too hard, just 10 minutes lightly or so to increase the size / actually increase the blood flow instead of needing to have it pumped much more in order to maintain a quality erection.

If you don't do any, I would definitely recommend stretching exercises or just some jelqing. Penis extenders, such as Phallosan Forte for example, can do wonders as far as erection quality goes. Done 'sensibly' at least, cause I feel like any size-oriented routines will be more like a fucking solid gym training to your dick and I can't see it being helpful on a daily basis.

Just for the record. I have no erection problems, but having juiced and being on/off mentally, I feel like I've acquired experience on both ends of the spectrum; went flaccid in quite a hot girl as well as went 6 rounds in two hours this year, for example. Definitely noticed a 'healthier' dick with Phallosan Forte and that 'you better not fucking drag the LMR on after I've pumped, bitch' stuff with BM.

BTW: I wear a similar beanie of the same color. Looks good. Got compliments on mine too ;-)