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DonMacorli's Online Dating Profile Feedback


Apr 7, 2021
Hey guys. So I've been reading this blog for a long time but it's the first time I ask feedback for my profile. After losing a lot of weight, going out and getting better pictures, getting better clothes, reading the guides and stories here, I think I've now a solid profile to show. But it can always be better! So I'd love to hear feedback from you guys.

Sidenote I was currently traveling in South America and got a lots of matches there, but now I'm back in France and here I barely get 1 like per day, so I think something can be changed to improve it. I took lots of cool photos in the trip but I think they do look alike (and also I was traveling so I ended up using the same outfit multiple times)

Anyway here's my tinder profile (other apps the profile is mostly the same but I can add it too):

Bio is like this :
Mexican with a hot French accent 🇲🇽🇫🇷
People say I make great mojitos 🍹
I exchange bachata lessons for surf lessons.

Come and say hi, I'll take care of the rest 😉

And here are the photos I'm currently using and the order:

View attachment 7
View attachment 6
View attachment 5
View attachment 4
View attachment 3
View attachment 2
View attachment 1

I think that my weakest points would be:
-I've maybe too many photos with sunglasses.
-Maybe I pose too much in the photos ?

Should I add a photo with friends? Remove some photos? Change Order?

I'll update the post with some alternatives photos I'd use.

Thanks in advance for your help :)
go with pics 1, 6 with 6 as your first pic. I would also get some more pics. Use faceapp on your phone to remove the dark circles from your eyes in your pic. Also most of your pics make you look meek / small so I would work on different poses and more layered pics and obviously hit the gym and build some muscle.