DoP's Log

Jan 7, 2023
Here's what I wrote in my intro to the site

Get laid - sleep with 10 girls and go on 30 dates.
Exercise goals - visible abs and jawline + add muscle.
Hobbies - Save for a DSLR so i can take better pictures and to make a short film over the year
Work - keep applying to new places and try to get a better job

So it's been a couple days. Time to start a progress log.

Since signing up I've had about 10 matches. And a couple conversations. 1 number, but ghosted afterwards. 1 or 2 could still get back to me tomorrow. Trying out "hey sexy". Used it twice. did a lot more "you're cutes" though

IRL been chatting/flirting with a few people behind the bar. But feels weird to do anything at work. Not approached anyone outside of that. Should.

Took some more pictures. It's been torrentially raining here, but I found 30m to try and get some more snaps. Improvements?

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Exercise - been jogging to work rather than walking. Been doing some exercise around the house. Tried out some jawline exercises and posture correction as suggested by BMan. Feels weird man but having fun. Gonna go to the gym at least once in week 2.

Hobbies - deal with this a bit later. Saving and brainstorming ideas is cool for now. Does this site count as a hobby?

Work - 2 interviews, 1 rejection, 1 trial shift at a cool place, and more applications. Feels like progress.

All in all, feeling pretty good about myself. Early days, but we're moving.
Okay. I'm back.

I've been generally happy with my diet. still not been to the gym, but have done some bodyweight exercises around the house, which i have been feeling in my arms.

I'm tweaking my dating profiles as I go, and matching with a girl or two daily. Trying not to just copy and paste the template, but to stick to the spirit. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I keep getting ghosted after seeing what I thought was some interest. May post a couple logs for advice. Is that cool?

couple of ay to day thoughts I was keeping.

took a photo in my flat. may be usable? somebody tell me if its no good.

had work. it was dire. dont think i ever saw a worse monday. saw a girl that I liked. Asked for an early finish to go hit on her. she was gone by the time i got finished.

- Couldn't find a fitting for my tripod, so no photos. Had my pool league with friends. Had some drinks, but diet only took a small hit. Only like 2200 on the day. I'll live.

No work. more of a rest day. reset my phone from what i think was some malware. lost a couple photos. no biggie. Did see a very cool movie. vertigo - about a mans obsession with a woman clouding his eyes to the other women around him.

bit boring. exercise. deliberately flirted a bit more behind the counter at work. trying to get comfortable with it. Did a bit of wandering about town looking for places i would want to shoot some pics

Tried to cold approach a girl on a Bench. Did a 360 loop around, walked past her again and decided for no reason she was waiting on someone and left. That kind of hurt my soul. needs work

Finally found my tripod fitting. Had a trial shift for a new job. went well. said it was 90% mine. said they'd call me on Tuesday. not quitting my job until then. had some psycho throw a drink at me at work (for cutting her off, not hitting on her). she picked a fight with security and ended up n the back of a police van... yikes.

Online chatting. no dates. made some tweaks to profile. went out for drinks with friends. kept to about 2000 cals. hungry... wrote up this log and made a plan for next week to try and be more on top of things.
Saw a cute foreign girl who kept smiling when she came up to the bar, but did nothing about it.

Set up a lay from Badoo. Straight to the flat, very up front. Excited

Pool night - other team forfeit, so free win. Set up hinge date for Monday. I only have a 2.5 hour window before work. But she's out of town and that's the earliest. Won't be trying to pull. That job went with someone else, after telling me I should give my notice. Glad I didn't. Shitebags

Blanked by Badoo girl. Disappointed by that one.
Did some more messaging. Got another date for Sunday. Starting to get more comfortable with you're sexy, but literally no response so far. Probably just the photos not giving the right vibe.

Another date set for wednesday. Feels like we're moving a bit. Took some more pics and got some culture at a local gallery.

Friday - Saturday
Did a bit of exercise and had 2 10h shifts, so kind of just working away. Really cute. girl came up to me on bar and said I was hot - was so focused on serving I just nodded and gave her a thumbs up. Didn't realise until she was gone. Asshole.

Still an asshole. I slept in after my shift last night and woke up 20m late for my midday coffee date. Lesson learned about scheduling. 2 fumbles on either side of sleep. Feels bad man. Wrote this up.

Exercise - not a whole lot, but more than last week, diet's good and I'm feeling better.
Dating - couple dates set up, couple disappointments
Style/photos - couple black shirts and trousers. Got rid of some of my worst fits. Couple photos.
Thought I had a job lined up. Didnt. So need to do more applications
Week 4

Not a great week and so I let this hang. Cancelled on/Stood up 3 times this week, and then again by one of the same girls. would have let it go the first time, but trying to follow Andy's advice for newbies. Few new numbers. Was feeling pretty bad about it. Realised I was flagging. Had a blow out on the Sunday, then tried to refocus for the next week.
Week 5
Monday - First online date! Bam! Date at gallery with Asian girl. Very basic. Not very aggressive, but main point was to do it. I've set up another date.

Tuesday - staff awards night. Won bar staff of the year. They gave me a cape. There should have been a photographer taking pictures too. Might have a cool pic or at least a social one. Good night.

More chill day. Saw family and cooked with them. Helped out with some errands and did some tidying around my flat. Sent some more messages and got some convos but nothing more

Gig shift. Saw a tik took guy give a weird half comedy/music set. Crowd liked it. Got a girls number at the bar. Spanish. Sexy eyes.

Not done, but a good week so far. I know there's no future, but my work has been really improving my days for a while now. Another date tomorrow, and hopefully something comes from the number.