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Down & Out


May 31, 2021
Hi everyone.

In a brutal mood right now.

Nothing is happening with any of the chicks that I’ve been texting / messaging recently. They all flake.

All tonight I’ve been in absolute negative mood—I feel unsexy, undateable, a woman would not want to touch me or date me. I feel undesirable AF.

Listening to a KYIL podcast episode about limiting beliefs. Right now, going out on dates or laying chicks don’t even seem possible. Been really good at getting numbers, but I can’t convert anything worth a damn right now—very few dates, no lays, nothing.

A limiting belief would be “oh, I’m not this” or “I’m too that”

Right now, my mood is: There is not a woman alive right now who would date me or sleep with me.

I’m just in an awful mood—like sex and dating are just an absolute pipe dream for me.

What am I grateful for? The sun being out today, and your reading / listening.

So, thank you.

Gonna grade some more and try to sleep off this brutal mood. Peace.
One thing I've noticed with many of the new people here is that you guys never give us any useful info.

So you'll write stuff like"I chat girls" or "I approached X times" followed by "I cant get them on dates", "they all flake" or whatever.

That's super generic.

Sure its all a numbers game, but for all I know your text/chat game might suck major, hairy, sweaty balls. If you dont share actual dialogue or you arent extremely detailed about an interaction, y'all might be cum shooting in the dark and keep banging your head against the wall.

This is the same with dudes who think they dress "fine"...have an "OK" physique...or are "decent" looking. Almost every time someone has posted a pic, turns out they're complete disasters and have way more work to do. This was the case with me and style; thought I looked "OK" until I posted a pic and everyone ripped me a new one.

Long story short: post screenshots of 5-10 complete discussions with girls.