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Drama's AA log


Jun 21, 2022
Hey y'all,

I've been on the AA program since this time last week.

I actually started it last year but didn't keep it up - I really wish I had, cause I live in a prime position for girls, middle of the city, so constant access to a huge stream of girls.

My goal is obviously to get over my AA, but by the end of it, I want to be full on approaching, getting numbers and dates, and of course lays.
Day 1

Went well, got the time from 5 girls, all reasonably cute. One even seemed interested
Day 2

Today went okay, two girls said no though. Maybe it was because of my vibe (being a little stoned), maybe it’s the scab on my nose. Maybe I’m overthinking it. I was happy with my performance in the end, and most girls were happy to give me the time.

I didn’t ask that blonde girl at the lights, I should’ve though

Drill part 1
1. Went fine, cute girl
2. average girl, gave me the time
3. Said no
4. Said too busy (even though she stopped to say it lol)
5. Supermarket girl – kinda cute


Cuteish girl who gave me the time happily
Two girls sitting down, one tried to blow me off, the other got out her phone and told me – not that hot
Walking by two girls, asked them and they told me, pretty hot
Final girl, pretty cute, told me the time
Day 3

Today was actually a bit harder than before at first, but once I got in to it, I got into a flow and it felt natural, felt like I was genuinely asking the time, directions and if they'd been there.

Every girl I asked happily told me, one girl even walked with me part of the way there - I had to make up a story that I was here on business. She was actually decently cute as well, and seemed nice.
Just skipped two days because of a few things that happened and also smoking weed... This is something I need to cut out and I know it. I have an addiction and it's not good for me, but I can't control it. I even smoked a little bit this morning just because and while I was doing it, I was telling myself I know I shouldn't, it'll make it way harder to do the drills, etc. but I did it anyway... Might make a post on this.

Day 7 - Just realised I'd been mixing up the days according to the AA program, so I'm actually on day 7

Today I have just done 4 sets of time, place, have you been there? I was also with my dog so it made it a bit easier

All went well, except for one girl who when I asked the time she said she was in a rush - No biggie.
Most girls happily obliged. I even approached a group of three sitting at the park and my dog went up for a pat, so they all smiled and shit. In fact, most girls smile and say hello to him, so it makes approaching a bit easier.

I saw one girl with her dog, she was really cute but the dog was reactive, so I just had to keep walking - she was training it. I probably could've said something to her.

There was another girl that was super cute, gym fit, wearing headphones and obviously on her way somewhere, probably the gym. I passed her and didn't say anything because I'd just approached another girl who was right behind me. Really, I should've said something, I shouldn't care about that other girl, cause fuck it - I'm probably never going to see her again.

In fact, I shouldn't care about any girls, cause I'm not trying to get laid, I'm just trying to get over AA.

All up took about 45 minutes.

I'm going to be persistent with this and keep going - Will do the rest of day 7 and day 8 this afternoon.

I have a coffee date which will 99% lead to sex today, so that will give me a boost for this afternoon.
Day 8

Was an interesting day - it's raining and cold where I am, so not many girls on the street to approach and everyone's in an average mood.

Completed the exercise and it wasn't too difficult. Had to force myself to approach some girls and didn't approach some that I should've (too attractive - mind making excuses).

Got a few odd responses like a set of two girls who, when I asked the time, both looked at each other, laughed and said no. I laughed back. All good.

Another girl literally just said sorry, didn't even look at me and kept walking - must've been pissed off or busy.

Had some really positive responses as well though, like a girl from out of town giving me a big smile when I asked for directions.

Another girl I did the full set - time, directions, have you been there and did you like it? She was actually opening up a conversation with me and was giving me strong signals she was enjoying being hit on. I could've continued this but didn't because I'm just doing the drills. Next time if this happens I'm going to continue and see where it goes.

All up took me about an hour
Day 9

Skipped it yesterday. Felt down all day and really wasn't in the mood - I know it's because I smoked weed heavily on Sunday and was still feeling some effects. This program is good motivation for me to quit, or at least cut down substantially. Otherwise I can't approach and won't overcome AA.

Anyway, I did 3/5 of the drill today - 3 sets of 3 - time, have you eaten at x, did you like it?

All went well, didn't get any weird responses really, apart from one girl who was visibly confused.

All up took about 30 minutes. Will do the rest in a bit.
Day 9 (repeated)

I fucking pussied out today. Went down the street and let a bunch of girls go past when I really should've talked to them.

I did one complete set, but felt awkward.

I actually asked this girl where the bathroom was and joked with her a bit - Felt more natural than anything I've done so far.

I'm thinking I want to just grab my nuts and go and do full on approaches, rather than dance around the issue - It seems to me that being more direct and just throwing myself in the deep end will net results quicker and better, rather than go through these ridiculous exercises that feel completely unnatural to me.

Can anyone relate?
Repeated day 9

Actually did it properly today - What helped was that I haven't smoked weed in a few days (so less general anxiety), I spent 30 minutes hitting the bag before lunch so felt good and the sun is out so people are generally in a good mood.

Did it real quick - About 20-25 minutes total, didn't screw around.

Every girl was receptive, I think it's because I said "hey do you have the time? and random question but have you ever eaten at Don Don's?" I think the random question line helps to preface it but I dunno if that's just cheating.

I also did it with a shit eating grin most of the time, which made them smile and think it was a game, which it is, essentially.

There were only a few girls I didn't do it to because I had just done it to another girl and they were watching.

Feel good about myself for this, I'm gonna keep it consistent.