drifter's log: Dieting, training, mental health - carnivore 365.


Jun 21, 2020

I'm drifter. 30 years old, from Norway.

I've finally decided to do something about my shitty life situation and really give dating a go. I have some mental issues that have been present from teen years and only gotten worse over the years. I've diagnosed with body dysmorphia, which is probably the root of all my problems. I have extremely low self-esteem and have never really liked the way I look (I consider myself about a 3 or a 4) and shy away from photos at any cost. A bad photo has in the past made me feel ill for several days. This makes online dating a bit of a challenge for me as you have to take photos of yourself and then show them to girls in your area. But I've gotten better in the past year. I've learned some techniques to deal with the stress and not get as upset. The carnivore diet that I started about 2 weeks ago has also really helped with my mental health.

Age: 30.
Height: 183cm.
Weight: 79kg.
Approx body fat: 19%.
Dating status: Virgin.

Carnivore 365:

After all the benefits I've gotten from going carnivore, I've decided to do a carnivore 365. Obviously not as hard as doing a podcast everyday like Andy has been doing, but it's something, and it will definitely help a lot. I've been doing it for almost 2 weeks, but I am starting the official timer on Monday, tomorrow. Benefits I've gotten thus far:

- Massively reduced appetite (maybe a little too much)
- Little to no cravings
- Less anxiety
- Better mood
- More energy
- Inflammation GONE (had lots of inflamed joints that would hurt when doing certain exercises)
- Brain fog gone
- Weight loss
- No longer feel bloated, flatter stomach
- Much better libido

Basically, going carnivore from my old shitty diet has drastically improved my mood, energy and libido. I would not be here making this post if it wasn't for the change in mood and libido, giving me lots of motivation to make a change. It really has been a miracle diet thus far.

My experiences with dating and girls:

I've never been on a date or shown a girl that I have been interested in her. My only experience with positive female interaction was when I went out to the club on New Year's 2017 and had some girls come up to me, but I was too high on E to understand what was going on. Other than that my interactions with girls have been limited as I don't really go out much.I only went because my brother (lots of dating experience) forced me to go because "you can't be sitting inside by yourself on New year's eve." I'd like to go out on town and try to replicate it, but I have I have nobody to go with and my brother is busy taking care of his baby.

Exercise and covid:

Covid really killed my gains and I gained some fat like most people. I pretty much ate 4k+ calories on many days, indulging in junk food. Gyms recently opened and I've been losing fat ever since. I've got some muscle back, but being in a caloric deficit, not all if it has returned. I have some back issues, so I can't train legs (even leg press is too much for my back), so I just train lower body. Only training lower body and being on a zero carb diet has me at a low body weight of 79kg at approx. 19% body fat. Not very impressive.

My current focus and plan:

Right now I am focused on losing weight while adding some mass in the gym. I have also been buying some new clothes (my old ones are way too worn) and improving my style. Dressing well regardless if it makes you more attractive to the opposite sex or not, really does increase confidence. I am also focused on reducing my social anxiety by spending more time outside and looking at women that I pass on the street (I usually look straight forward or down on the ground because of my anxiety).

I have been wanting to get some tattoos as I have none, so I might get some at some point.

When I lose enough weight where I no longer feel pudgy and round in the face, I'll start a Tinder profile. If I can't get anything in the west, I'll go to Thailand where it's much easier.

What I will be posting/where this log is heading:

I don't want to spam post every day with very similar and boring updates, but I will definitely be posting every week and when something out of the ordinary happens. I'll be posting about my weight, diet, strength and how productive my week has been. In a few months or so when I make a dating profile, I'll also make posts about that.

Sorry if this post is overly negative, but that is what my life has been thus far. My updates will be more positive, so stay tuned for whoever is interested. I mostly made this thread to keep myself accountable and keep track of my progress.


I, drifter, will lose my virginity before I turn 31.