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dumpling's log


Jun 25, 2022
#1 Start of my log:

I registered about two weeks ago but was busy with other things to start my log but here I am now.
I plan to post about my progress towards my different goals and what steps I take to achieve them.

I'm dumpling, 25, currently doing a master's degree in IT and I'm in Europe.
I've always been socially awkward and haven't been successful with girls/dating in general. One of my biggest issue, is my lack of having a group of good friends for a long time in my life, since Covid I’ve lost even more contact to people and now plan to change that + other things in my life. My current and long-term goals are:

My current goals:

-lose weight- I'm 170cm(5’7") and currently about 71 kg. My goal is cut down to about 63 kg with a low BF percentage through running, basketball and body weight exercises
-getting a part-time job besides my study -> get work experience and earn money
-build a group of friends and generally broaden my social circle to be less awkward around people

More Long-term goals:
-Become good or at least decent at (online) dating/talking to girls and get some lays later or a relationship ( I guess that will be easier after becoming lean :) )
- Complete a half marathon next year
-Starting some kind of social media presence ( probably YT) to have a side hustle

Actions I will take:

I have experience with weight loss and working out – I lost about 10kg last year but gained like 5-6 kg again in the winter, I managed to keep my weight the last few months but now it’s time to become fit again.
- track most of the food I eat on my phone ( sometimes hard when you eat outside or with family but I’ve become better at estimating calories of foods)
- keep doing Intermittent Fasting
- eat a lot of protein rich food
- walk at least 8k steps/day
- workout 4 – 5 times a week: I plan to do 3 full body workout routines and 1 or 2 5km runs every week, the runs will also depend on the weather
- join my old hobby basketball group again to play
- doing meal prep when possible

- improving my coding skills
- creating some personal projects
- apply to jobs even if I am not fully qualified for them

Building social circle:
- try to meet at least one person outside from my family every week for whatever activity

Other things:
- finish reading 2 books/month
- get back into photography – I already have a camera + prime lens
- spend less time watching/reading mindless stuff on the internet
- maybe trying to learn a instrument

I plan to give weekly updates/summaries of the past week of what I’ve done and how things are going.

Best, dumpling