endless333 pic question


Dec 1, 2020
Sup bitches,

This is my log
The goal this week will be to hit on at least 2 girls (and ramp it up slowly week to week)
I am afraid to bother them and have the feeling it is kind of wrong to do, and also afraid of being super awkward and being judged for it, but I will have to force myself through it if I am to get the sex life I want and deserve.
I made a list of 20 things about myself that would make girls want to meet me and have sex with me (instead of feeling bothered). I will go through these daily (at least in the beginning) to internalize them.
A side goal is also to dedicate 1-2 hours a week to improving my tinder and learning how to use my camera.
endless333 said:
I made a list of 20 things about myself that would make girls want to meet me

That 6 pack got to be one of them. Most girls are going to be polite or even happy that you talked to them, some are gonna be bitches. Most of my experience is from going out to nightclubs (in Dublin, Ireland) though I did do few day time approaches. I've never been to Netherlands but I guess you guys have a lot of hot girls.

Good luck!

Yeah one of them was having a good body and being decently strong, the rest was more about my character. We have plenty of hot girls, yes.

Mr Available

Thanx man!

So today I did my first full approach. I'm kinda behind on the schedule. I tried but at first I couldn't say anything, then a shy, quiet hello, then a more confident hello and now I said hey, you're cute! She said she was with her boyfriend and thanked me. I don't give many fucks about the outcome yet, I'm glad that I did it and that she was nice. It was a quiet street and the girl was stationary though, I def gotta step it up to girls who are walking and in busier streets.

For tinder I just have to find out how the remotes work and then I'll be shooting pics, should be this week.

Tomorrow will be my last day at work and then I'm free for the rest of 2020, so I'll have plenty of time!
Today I finally did my 2nd approach, she had a bf too. I have been walking around almost every day as usual but couldn't do it most of the time. Maybe in a way it's harder since I'm not at work anymore and don't really see a lot of people so I don't socialize that much

For making pictures I have read some more and tried some photo's at home but I keep getting this FEE error whenever I'm not in the M or A setting.
(I'm using the D7000 with the AF Nikkor 50mm 1:1.8 D lens)
I mailed with Nikon support and they want me to send it to them for research/repair, so then I won't have it for some weeks.
I have had one (or 2) approaches for 3 days in a row now. That should be the new standard. I'll post here daily from now on to confirm if I did it.

For the camera I have been doubting if I should return it for repair or just try to make good photo's in the M or A mode. I still have to make photo's outside with the tripod, a little bit anxious for that, but f it. I should really do that this week too.
Not my best day today. My legs felt very tired, only went outside for groceries, didn't approach. Tomorrow will be better


I said Hi to 2 women today, but they were cold as fuck so I didn't proceed. I wanted to do a real approach, but couldn't get myself to do it. I walked around for like 4 hours.

This is what I'm wearing btw, should I get another jacket/coat or something?

View attachment 1
Did one approach, also shot a few pictures outside, but the screen says the F number is 5.2, even if I put the ring all the way to 1.8, so I can't get much of the blurry background effect.
Did another approach, she was wearing earpods. She said thanks after I said she was cute but was reserved, so I said bye. Should probably have continued as she may have been just shy but I took her reservedness for disliking it.
Next time that happens, stay until she walks away (if she walks away). Then you'll gain more of an instinct for whether it's worth it with those earpod wearers or not.
Didn't approach yesterday, my legs were tired and wasn't feeling it.
Today I'll do it and I will shoot some pictures outside again. The camera might not work as it should, but I can still get better pictures then what I'm working with now.
Today I shot a few pictures, but forgot to change the apparture, now they're all in f22 :(. I'll retake them soon.

Also did 2 approaches, but both weren't interested, they were also both older then I first thought/hoped.
Haven't approached yesterday and won't do it today as I have caught a cold and am not feeling too well
endless333 said:
Haven't approached yesterday and won't do it today as I have caught a cold and am not feeling too well

Hey man I get you have a cold.

I read through your old posts. Are you comfortable doing 5 approaches a day?

If you're not (and want to approach lots of hot girls) you should probably do the AA program, that's what its for.
Manganiello said:
endless333 said:
Haven't approached yesterday and won't do it today as I have caught a cold and am not feeling too well

Hey man I get you have a cold.

I read through your old posts. Are you comfortable doing 5 approaches a day?

If you're not (and want to approach lots of hot girls) you should probably do the AA program, that's what its for.

I don't know man, what I'm doing now is what Andy himself said I should do. I went from about 1 girl a week a month ago to 1 girl a day now, so I'm definitely making progress and I definitely see myself progress from here soon as well, so I'll keep with this.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway, and good luck on the program!
endless333 said:
Manganiello said:
Hey man I get you have a cold.

I read through your old posts. Are you comfortable doing 5 approaches a day?

If you're not (and want to approach lots of hot girls) you should probably do the AA program, that's what its for.

I don't know man, what I'm doing now is what Andy himself said I should do. I went from about 1 girl a week a month ago to 1 girl a day now, so I'm definitely making progress and I definitely see myself progress from here soon as well, so I'll keep with this.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway, and good luck on the program!

Ok cool. Just wasn't sure if I was seeing something you didn't.

Take Andy's word over mine.
This cold takes a while, at least I tested negative for corona. I did a very light workout and had a walk today, so I'm getting better.

I tested my new pics on tinder last week and they gave me 26 matches, from which there are 22 left now, that's double or more than what I'm used to, so that's good. I will match them once I'm all better.