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Eridius AA program's journal + approaches log


Feb 2, 2021
Day 2 - Saturday, Oct 02, 2021

Hi guys, this is my progress journal about beating my Approach Anxiety within the next 3 months with GLL's AA program. Since this forum is where many (and probably most) GLL's guys migrated to due to how GLL forum is so vacant nowadays; I'll also post my journey here for you guys to follow my progress.

My link to GLL's forum journal: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/forums/beat-approach-anxiety/144798-eridius-s-aa-journal-knock-off-my-inner-bitch-inside-me

I also have had a post about 6 months of working towards my entrepreneurship goals in this forum once. But that was a colossal failure of how unrealistic and undisciplined I was towards that goal. I've learned few good lessons from that afterwards and this journey of committing to beating AA's program is what I am serious about and will be posting consistently about my progress.

Like most guys in the beginning, I have horrendous fuck tons of approach anxiety. Because of that I pussy out many times; all because of just me overthinking and trying to be intelligent in fallible arguments up on my mind.

I've did some cold approaches before; and recently I've just lifted up my fears of just doing Basic Game Guy to most girls at the gym, I can talk to some girls easily with that approach strategy now. However, I think there's more to the AA program; I genuinely think I am still nowhere good let alone great; and the AA program can help me uncover more about myself and the journey to get pussies.

Right now I am determined to conquer it; since I've been lucky enough and moved to a neighborhood that is closed to the gym, the park, the library, and the landing full of good things to do; which has improved my logistics for getting pussies. Instead of focusing too much on getting laid, I am committed for the next 3 months to beat my Approach Anxiety.

Although in the journey, sometimes I'd over-perform the process (like doing the basic game when I feel like I can; or trying to date and get laid). I'll not stray away from the main goal is getting this program done. If I notice my tendency to over-perform my process can potentially make me stray away from the main objective, I'll cut it.

That's for today.
Day 3 - Saturday, Oct 03, 2021

My drills will start at day 4; so this day is just an update. I don't set up my online dating profiles today, I'll be offline for the entire day. And then will build the profile later at day 4. That's for now.
Day 4 - Monday, October 4th, 2021

Drills completed: asked 5 women about time. (I did 6 actually).

1st women I've approached and asked for time is when I was walking in the palk in early morning, but only saw a woman at her 30s-40s, not attractive and was walking her dogs. I just didn't care and straight up ask her.

When I got into the gym nearby at evening, I saw two girls sitting out there in a bench; I felt little bit nervous and hesitated but didn't give into it and went balls to walls, then asked them about time, then left (3 women).

During my workout, I was checking out a very good looking chick, but was hesitated and anxious for a lot; I nearly did pussied out that girl, thought she was finished. Later that I just saw her pouring the water and then decided to immediately asked her for time, I did, then had a little small talk with her until her "husband" or whatever came in. (4 women).

I got back to my deadlifting sets, then saw another Asian girl with blonde lion mane hair around the lat pulldown block, I felt less hesitant and nervous, then immediately came to her and asked her about time. (5 women). Then during my last deadlift set, I saw a girl came in to the squat rack next to me; and just walked to her and asked for time, though I was messed up little stupidly by throwing my phone down then went for the question, made some small talk then left (6 women).

Overall performance:

I think I did this drill today well enough, although I had little bit of hesitation and nervousness as I had little bit of outcome dependency that would make me looks pretty stupid for asking for time while there was my phone and the clock in the gym. Nonetheless, I did it. And realized that it was much easier; I tried some Basic Guy Game on some chicks but didn't succeed on getting their numbers but that didn't matter. I've done it and learned that people just mind their own businesses and don't really give two fucks about others.

Overall, today was pretty productive for me. I've accomplished all my tasks today: which were finishing a new article for my website, learning and practicing Pre-Calculus (self-education), finished today's drills and had a kick-ass workout at the gym. I had also managed to had all boxes of today habits checked in the 30 Days Of Discipline program by Victor Pride. And yeah, I feel pretty good right now.
Day 5a - Tuesday, October 5th, 2021

Drills incompleted: asked 5 women about time, then another 5 but faster (I did 4 today).

Today wasn't actually so productive for me. I did not accomplish my day 5 drill. How? Lemme explain this (or excuse). I decided to go to school today for my reinstatement, as well as to do my drills there. I was fucking around at my home until late 10-11am did I take the bus. At the same time, I was just calling one of my girlfriends and talked to her for literally 3+ hours even when I've gotten into school.

Realized that it had been late, I planned to go home at 3pm for getting my bodybuilding meals and to practice more Math; it was 2pm. I used that last one hour looking for some chicks to do the drills. The campus during Covid is extremely absent; there were only few girls walking around in the campus and the cafeteria was closed. When I saw a first chick walking by then immediately took that chance and asked her for "time" then left. I walked around the campus a little bit more, saw a fat girl on her phone but didn't give a fuck, just came up to her immediately and asked her for time; little bit of walking around then saw an another cute Afro Latina girl, came up and asked immediately for time.

After that I just decided to gave up to go home. On my way out of the campus I saw the first girl I had approached and just came up and said "Hello there, again." then walked past her, then I saw an Asian girl walking in front of me, then I runned to her and did my drill, then went home. 4 girls, that's all for today.

I guess I'll have to pack the half of this drill into a different day when I decide to go out again.

Overall performance:

Insufficient but not too bad. At least I did some, better than nothing. If it wasn't me calling to my girl about 3+ hours, I guess I would have done today. But yeah. Overall, it is okay.
Day 5b - Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

Drills completed: asked 5 women about time, then another 5 but faster (talked to 8 girls with different approaches).

I completed the last half of the day 5 drill, and I did more than required (also violated the steps). It was a good day and I am pretty much satisfied, even if I didn't do all of them correctedly.

I asked the first 5 girls for time in the gym today. I came to a bench where 2 cute Asian chicks doing hip raises, then asked them for time and left; later on my next squat's sets, I saw an another pretty Asian girl doing leg press, then came and asked for time and immediately returned to my squat rack; then I walked around saw a black chick walking in the gym then just asked her immediately for time and left, then spotted another chick around the lat pulldown machine and asked for time then left. (that's 5, and did much faster than last time).

The first 5 girls, I did the drills. I intentionally left out my phone in my squat rack. Then went around just to find girls and asked for time. Then the thoughts of "Looking stupid" or "What the fuck I am doing?" came in. I saw a lot of pretty girls and I just want to came to them and asked for number, didn't want to pussy out even though I knew my goal is not to get laid while doing this. But I ditched the "time" drill nonetheless, because in the drill I could say whatever the fuck I want, right?

I lifted for little bit until my OH extension sets. I was looking for a 80-lbs barbell; I found two decent Asian girls had been lifting in this gym regularly (but didn't have the balls to talk to them or any girls back then). Since I had felt like my anxiety was not too significant. I walked straight into them and asked for how many sets they had with the barbell then proceeded to do a New Guy Game. Didn't take their numbers but have their Instagram (not effective for dating/getting laid); one of them objected me as a "player" for having a list of girls name in my IG's search, my response was awkward but didn't matter anyways. I left with the barbell. But so far I just thought I failed their game and just got trapped in their shit tests but didn't matter.

During doing Stiffed-leg deadlift; saw a pretty cute white chick that looks kinda familiar to the chick I had talked last Monday. I finished my set and came to her and tried the Basic Game Guy; but she responded badly, I felt some off-energy so I didn't ask for her number and just left.

Overall performance:

Pretty good. I failed getting their numbers but at least I didn't pussy out and being a little bitch than before. Although I did felt little nervous and had shitty mood today; but at least I did it. And yeah, that's all.
Thursday, October 7th, 2021

I didn't do drills today. Simply today I made excuses and felt like a pussy. Got my mind boggled down to overthinking and binge wasting time in YouTube & some porno. At least I regained some composure tonight, but didn't have dopamine to do anything. I'll be start the day 6 and get with my goals tomorrow again.
Friday, October 8th, 2021

I didn't do shit today. I felt like crap. Gonna go for the day 6 drill tomorrow after I finish my to-do list.
Wednesday, October 13th, 2021

Back on the grid for a while

Well, I guess this is not just Approach Anxiety's log anymore, it will be an approaches log as a whole since I am too inclined to getting ahead of my game.

I was supposed to do the day 5 drills for AA today. But I straight up ignored them and tried getting every chance to not pussied out and doing the Basic Game Guy though. I've approached & talked to 9 girls today and got 3 numbers; I am feeling much more confident and happy today though.

I was going to my college this morning for a meet up, I talked to one girl after getting out of the bus in the transit center with the drill: "What time it is?", and that's the only action within the AA drills I've done today. As for a next girl, I walked through a cafeteria and saw her sitting in one of the tables, however she was once acquainted before but I haven't seen or talked to her for a long time, so I just approached her and talked, then grabbed her number again.

5 girls counted: is when I was looking for the advisor's office in the campus, I saw two pretty cute white girls there in the campus; I just straight up walked to them and said: "Hey" then proceeded asking some questions about the office; and tried to talk to them a little bit, I didn't get their numbers though because it was not my intent (or I was feeling little like a pussy). Then I walked around looking for the office and saw one black girl waking by, I just approached her though and asked for the office, then left.

I spent a little time around the campus then left, I saw some girls walking by and I had chances to just approached them with Basic Game Guy or AA drill steps but I was feeling little bit nervous.

I left my college campus and took an another bus to University Of Washington, first time went there, way much lots of people and girls I've ever seen since the lock-down happened & met one guy from KYIL forum, we talked and did some approaches along. I walked around and saw one pretty white girl sitting in the campus doing homework (prettiest girl I've met today); I felt good and just straight up said : "Hi ... what's your name?". Then had a good talk with her for few minutes, and grabbed her number then left, drooling around the campus for a bit to do some more approaches but I felt little nervous with the thoughts of approaching walking groups of girl. So I did one and it went pretty well, then met my friend, talked for a bit then left for my gym session. 6 girls (oh and btw, on my way leaving I saw and asked one girl for the transit then that was 7).

In the gym. I've seen a pretty cute Asian chick during my squat session; I've walked to her after my lifts and did my basic approach, though it was a little bit off and awkward; I said "Hey, I just saw you and I thought you were pretty cute so I said hi.", it wasn't bad, we exchanged name but she had a phone call and I thought myself I just left so I wouldn't standing there waiting her like a complete idiot. It was a fail and didn't get my number. But at least .... I've earned respect from a group of best looking jacked guys in the gym and we made friends. I had been progressing in the gym pretty well for 4 months and I've been earning more respects from other strong/jacked guys in my gym then making friends, so yeah, it was a happy day for me.

8 girls already. Then I saw a familiar chick I've seen in the office's lobby in my campus this morning; though I wasn't sure, I just come I talked to her, a cute Italian girl, we talked for a while and grabbed her number then get back to my sets. So that was 9 for today.

On the way, I've learned these following things:

- I don't have much Approach anxiety at all and can just talk to any girls I want (not mostly).
- I tried avoiding doing the first few drills of AA program because I got a little bullshit excuses in my brain that: "I'd feel like a complete idiot", "It is embarassed", "It is stupid". Because of these thoughts, I get more outcome dependency on doing the AA drill and intentionally avoided it many times, but then at least I could replaced them with Basic Game Approach.
- Even if I can do the basic approach and can talk to girl. I am not always confident, there are always some kind of scenarios that holds me back because it is uncomfortable within deep my subconscious. For example: girls walking in the streets, groups of girls talking, alone girls next to somebody, ...
- Despite my clear intent of approaching girls and get their numbers. I still feeling more oftenly unconfident or nervous thus increases more of my outcome dependency and stop me from reaching my potentials.

So yeah. Even though I can do some approaches, I'll have to try my best more to stick with the AA program (even if I do some game approaches) to the end so I can approach girls whenever & wherever I want without self-consciousness and bullshits.

Thank you for reading this if you see it, it sounds little bit autistic though but just my honest journal of today's experience