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Fashion help


Jan 13, 2021
What's good?
Could I have some advice about these outfits, if they are good and how they can be improved.

Thanks guys,
What's up man - not great on fashion myself but this site and the free guide helped me a lot: https://thehatfish.com/

It's by Radical here on the forums and it will get you started on a good track pretty easy.

My 2 cents - your outfits are pretty plain/nice guy/normal guy, get some accessories (watch, necklaces, rings, bracelets are easy starters). Check the style guide out it'll help you way more than I can. Most important part is that you're here and looking for advice though it's the right place
Not sure where to start man.

You literally look homeless with these outfits.

You could look really really good with some simple changes though.

Better haircut is easy. Your's looks a bit unkept and the sides could be shaved down and the top trimmed a bit.

Not sure if you dress baggy cause you carry a lot of extra bodyweight but everything you're wearing doesn't fit you.

1st Outfit -

Oversized jacket
Sweat Pants
Baggy Sweat Shirt

If you went up to a girl like this on the street, she wouldn't know if you're homeless or not.

Not trying to be mean but just put yourself in their shoes and think if that outfit is a panty dropper. What impression does oversized unstylish jacket, sweat pants and a baggy shirt say about you?

You need very basic tips.

I just read this article - https://theessentialman.com/mens-style-beginners/

And it's everything you'll need to know about starting out with style and improving your look with clothing.

Radical's site is just for hats at the moment, no?

OP wasn't even wearing a hat.

Start with this - https://theessentialman.com/mens-style-beginners/

And master those tips and you'll see a 90% improvement at least if you follow everything, which really isn't that hard.

Start basic and work your way up from there.

Don't have to break the bank. You could have 1 great outfit for a year and it's not going to matter cause that's the first impression you give to a girl.

Radical site https://thehatfish.com/ is mainly about hats, but he has a free guide for mandatory basic guy fashion outfits. I bought some stuff from his recommendations and like the simplicity of his guide.
dashedhopes I wrote a full style ebook for my email list because good hats wont do shit if the rest of the style is trash. Gotta be paired well.

I designed it super proscriptive to ensure an utter newbie gets the basics down ASAP

I'll PM you a link, interested in feedback from more advanced guys too, gotta redraft it

Oh I didn't know that, my bad.

I'm sure that's a great resource.

I'll check it out now!

Thank you.
Thanks very much guys. I think I'll sell all my old clothes and invest in well fitting ones. Due to lockdown I can't buy clothes from the store so I have to measure myself, which is all good.

Thanks guys,