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Feedback on Current Pics / what I should shoot next


Apr 26, 2021
Done three photoshoots in the last week and gotten what I think are some pretty damn good results. Currently running:

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Including the last one largely to add some variety / show that I do shit, but I don't think it's good for obvious reasons: can't see my face, bad color, questionable outfit, kinda blurry. I used to run the pic below for this purpose:

But it's pretty old, I'm in better shape now, have a better haircut, don't look quite as young, so I've been wanting to replace it. I guess my real question is: do you guys stage your action / adventure / hobby shots? I stage fashiony / street shots because they're easy, but I haven't tried staging a hiking type shot. I'd love to have a hobby shot, but my main hobby right now is BJJ and I'm not about to bring my DSLR in and ask someone to take pictures of me sparring. I probably look like a fucking moron there too. Want to get some more social shots, but that leads to the same problem: staging, also my social life is honestly a bit shit right now but I am working on that.

On a more trivial note, I'm worried that it looks bad when I wear similar jewelry in most of my pictures. I haven't really expanded my collection of necklaces / rings yet, so I'm using the same rings in every pick and slightly rotating necklaces / styles. Is this dumb to worry about? I'm gonna get some more anyway because I've been having fun with them.