Feedback on my Tinder/Online Dating Pics


Mar 18, 2022
Hey gents!

Going to get back on Tinder and the other apps. Haven't made my new account yet. Got some photos taken and want your brutally honest feedback.

See them here: [Link removed]

Note: You'll see that there are 6 separate "looks" or locations/themes (e.g. one sitting down, one in front of graffiti, one with dogs...). Most of these looks have 2-3 candidate photos, labeled A, B, C, etc. For example, there are three different dog photos, marked A, B, and C. I'm not sure which of these three should make the final cut as my actual dog photo - but obviously I want my final profile to have only one dog photo, only one graffiti photo, etc.

Ideally, I'm looking for feedback on two things:
1. which order of the photos is best (I need to make sure that my first photo is the absolute best) and
2. which ABC version of a given look is the best for that look.

For example, I'm looking for something like this:

"For the first look, go with photo B. For the 2nd, go with A. 3rd, C. 4th, B. 5th, A. Also, switch the order: Put the 2nd look first and the 1st look second."

You get the idea.

Hope that makes sense? Let me know!
Hey man,

Great work. You are seriously on track to building a killer profile.

I will be real with you - I don't really like any of the photos (except one).

I like the 'idea' behind them, but I feel like with more tries you can do a lot better and come across as more sexually attractive in each photo.

Please don't take that the wrong way - it's just me being honest to a fellow bro who is also on this journey with me.

But here's the good news: Photo 4.Friend.C is fucking amazing.

You look hot as fuck. No homo. (Not sure if we only say that in Australia?).
Really decent start, I think these will get you some solid results to start off with. Still plenty of room for improvement, though.

Here's how I would use these photos (in order from first photo to last):

Sitting A
Friend C
Graffiti A
Dog C
Guitar C
ImChuckBass said:
Hey man,

Great work. You are seriously on track to building a killer profile.

I will be real with you - I don't really like any of the photos (except one).

I like the 'idea' behind them, but I feel like with more tries you can do a lot better and come across as more sexually attractive in each photo.

Please don't take that the wrong way - it's just me being honest to a fellow bro who is also on this journey with me.

But here's the good news: Photo 4.Friend.C is fucking amazing.

You look hot as fuck. No homo. (Not sure if we only say that in Australia?).

I definitely see what you're saying but that's too harsh. Let's go through them.

Sitting.A - no. smile looks forced, way too harsh. literally reminds me of The Shining

Sitting.B - I hate that slightly upward off to the side intense look like you just saw an angel. This is somewhat salvageable (i'd use the charm impression on faceapp to 2-3rd level to soften the facial expression a little). much less important bonus: i'd sliiightly extend the shoulders out w/ facetune, esp if you make it your main photo

Sitting.C - no. the smile distorts your face, still doesn't look natural. less attractive than B

Graffiti.A - absolutely not. i don't like when tight jackets are zipped/buttoned up, pink shirt is overkill/out of place with the already edgy outfit, this is overall way too posed and metrosexual looking. facial expression isn't bad here, would've had potential to be cropped higher if not for zipped up jacket. overall a strong "software engineer finds guide on how to be edgy" vibe that we want to avoid

Graffiti.B - absolutely not. also not a bad facial expression, would've been perfect with a bit more of a smirk. the whole statue pose with zipped up jacket standing in the middle of nowhere just doesn't work at all. if it absolutely must be used, I would crop chest level with your shoulders touching the edges of the photo and add charm on faceapp to a low level like 2 + blur background a bit

Dog.A - the idea is there but can barely see you in pic, poorly framed. it's kinda funny though and humanizes you. would leave in for now

Dog.B - this is a good photo but I wouldn't use it. your head looks really large compared to your body, implying you're really small even with the obvious muscle definition. I would keep your head further away from the camera.

Dog.C - the idea is good, the dog looks happy but you don't look masculine enough in this photo. in fact this looks remarkably like a butch lesbian i know if it weren't for the beard

Friend.A - great. would def use

Friend.B - actually also good (but no reason to include it since you're using Friend.A) you look masculine here. it would be a toss-up between these two if you had another authentic smile photo in the portfolio, but for now it has to be Friend.A

Friend.C - facial expression looks too tragic, like the photographer just broke up with you

Guitar.A - no. haircut doesn't look ideal, facial expression a bit too intense

Guitar.B - not great but useable after faceapp charm to make it slightly less intense sadboi.

Guitar.C - also not great but useable. also a bit too sad/serious. would need to be cropped much closer to the shoulder, looking a little frail with all the empty space

Guitar.D - no. unrealistic posed stare into nowhere

Paddle - useable for sure, i would add charm faceapp to neutralize the frown

so for now, I would use Sitting.B, Friend.A, Dog.A, Guitar B, Paddle in this order after you make the edits I suggested above

It's a solid start
I don't understand why nobody is mentioning that you can't hold a belt like that in public. You either go full BDSM like some guys have profile pics here or you keep it "normal".

The only pics you should use are : Friend A, Dog C (Faceapp this) and Paddle (Faceapp this too)

The leather pic has a bad background and the red shirt isn't toned enough (Don't know how to explain this in English) and the belt is just not good.
Your guitar pic is a solid try (respect) but it needs another environment like singing under a tree or something. Now it looks like you picked up someone's guitar and asked your friend to take a pic of it acting like you know how to play the instrument.
There's some good photos in there but I think you really need to get more done man.

4C is good, your style and accessory game is on point there

1C I like, slight smirk coming across confident

6 is decent but I think the photo needs some editing as background looks pretty dull right now

Don't really think the other photos are at the right level. Not a fan of those brightly coloured t-shirts your wearing in some of them, sticking to black, grey and white is better ideally. Also looks abit too nice guy in photo group 4 and group 5.
Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate the level of detail some of you gave me.

Your opinions vary but one point of agreement is that the graffiti photos aren't good, one reason being they look too posed and another being that there's too much color.

What do you think about these edited versions? [Photos removed]

As for the sitting photo, what if the belt is cropped out?