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Feedback on pics.


Feb 19, 2021
Just recently went and did a couple of photos with my dad and was wondering if I can get any feedback into how I look or any suggestions.



Ditch the shirt with prints. I suggest getting Radical 's basic style guide for guys in thehatfish.com.

Also, your background can be better.
What other clothes have you got FenixPJ? Write down a list so we can see if you have the basics covered. If not, the wardrobe would need updating little by little as you're still getting lean.
I do not think you want to have literal garbage behind you in your online dating photos. Neither you want to have the photos taken in your backyard. Go somewhere interesting. Also get a proper camera, or the phone eith the good portrait mode at the very least.

Stylewise listen to the guys above, they are more qualified then I am.
It needs to be said. FenixPJ you got a great look. You need to upgrade the style a bit and find a backdrop that fits how fine you are (rather than what may very well be a junkyard).
Juhboi said:
It needs to be said. @FenixPJ you got a great look. You need to upgrade the style a bit and find a backdrop that fits how fine you are (rather than what may very well be a junkyard).

As good as it sounds, thats not true.
"You can have a great look" is what needs to be said. If you were as fine right now, you probably could not be here right now.
You are probably well aware and working on it, considering you goal is losing weight, but your face is rather puffy. When you get leaner it will look much better.

Its hard to judge in your loose clothes too, but you seem to lack muscle aswell - are you doing resistance workout in addition to losing weight?
Lostcause said:
Its hard to judge in your loose clothes too, but you seem to lack muscle aswell - are you doing resistance workout in addition to losing weight?
Yes, I started my weight loss by doing Yoga at home for about four months and just last month I started taking Boxing classes which involves strength training. I have some muscle on me and I plan on gaining more but right now my goal is losing the fat in my body.

The loose clothes are basically a holdover to when I was really fat and didn't care how my clothes fit, just as long as they were comfortable to wear.