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Feedback on pics


Feb 3, 2023
I've read the guide and intend on getting better quality pics where I have a more aggressive style. I feel my pics right now are too tame and boring. I'm getting almost no matches at all.

Hoping to get some pointed feedback.






I think you have a lot of potential. However, these photos aren't good. I'm not an expert but here are a few things I've noticed in these:

- A lot of these photos are bland and don't really say much about you. The first two are random selfies in pretty mundane environments.
- Selfies in general are a no-no.
- Your body language/posture and facial expressions look awkward and not the most flattering.
- I don't think that haircut/style in the 2nd to last photo is doing it for you.
- Fashion is not the greatest
- Your last photo is blurry, I think a motorcycle shot would be great but you need to curate it in a way that makes you look more flattering.

You're a tall white guy, so you definitely have a lot of potential. Read the Tinder guide again, and I would suggest checking out Radical's style guide. I'm not sure where to find that anymore so perhaps he can chime in regarding that. In addition there are plenty of other forum members who can give you tailored advice on fashion.
The main reason you're not getting results is that your clothing and haircut are dating you to 2003. This shows lack of social acuity for women.

Donate all clothing and accessories (e.g. sunglasses) to Goodwill except the white v-neck and flannel shirt in photos 1 and 2. Re-buy pieces using Radical's style guide at https://thehatfish.com.

Go to the highest-end men's hairstylist in your city and get a 2023 haircut.

Retake new photos; you'll need latest smartphone camera quality or DSLR quality at minimum. Social photos need to have other high-value people in them — don't blur their faces.
Not enough, this is what you comepete with: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=51439#p51439
Vamos said:
Not enough, this is what you comepete with: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=51439#p51439

I agree. He's going to do very well with OLD.

I'm going to retake the pic with my motorcycle. I also found a slightly edgier outfit to wear and will try to get some pics wearing that.