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[Feedback on pictures?] Sprezza's Online Dating


Jun 18, 2020
Hi guys,

I took at least 500-600 profile pictures yesterday so, if you could help me decide which one looks the best among the ones I picked out I would definetly appreciate it!:
I liked the first and last one. However in the first one, It feels like I have giant tea bags under my eyes which I believe is due to my pollen allergy and a bit of genetics. Any tips on how to gradually remove them?
Also regarding taking pictures, the remote triggers and tripod help immensely (I have the exact same setup from Andy's guide), but still its hard to center myself and get the right angle. I really want to go for an 8/10 profile picture but its getting frustrating. I will ask for help from a friend if there are no solutions.

This are the pictures I use for my current Tinder profile:

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Swiping for a cool girl to chill with

So far I have got 0 matches. Like I don't know what the fucks wrong. I think I am shadow banned because I have had the account for 2 years at least and have about 600 matches to whom I have never written anything too since I didn't take it seriously/didn't want to get denied by only a few replying (yes, I was stupid). So the last month I have been sending similar openers to at least 300 matches and gotten like 2 replies which died out.
Like fuck it do I really have to get a new account? I know that I am not that fuckin ugly hahah and would rate the pictures 6/10 = ok/good.
With these pictures I don't expect to get 20 matches a day or something but at least some matches per day like I got more with ugly pics from 2 years ago.

If I need to get a new acc, I'll make sure to take even better pictures and Tinder Gold.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Busy today so I'll give you a super short answer (other guys will likely give you more help): if those 3 pics are the only pics you're using, OF COURSE you're not having any luck.

You just have 3 pics of you basically posing for a photo. They don't look natural, they don't show off your personality, it looks like you couldn't even be bothered and just half-heartedly took 3 pics one afternoon and threw them up "just to see what happens".

You're an attractive dude; you have a LOT of room for growth with your pics. Go emulate some of these:

Thanks for the quick feedback!
Yeah, I understand that they are not as good as the inspiration pics, but literally 0 matches for 2 weeks is the thing that bothers me.
Will schedule time to take/emulate at least 1 one good street/casual photo from the Inspiration guide and to read more on taking better pics.
We'll see what happens.
boblikestacos666 said:
Sprezza reset your account using a different Facebook/email address/phone number. Also get much better pictures.

Yeah will do! Btw, do I have to change IP adress?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Sprezza said:
literally 0 matches for 2 weeks is the thing that bothers me.

Once you get better pics, use Hinge as well:

Don't rely on just Tinder.

Sprezza said:
We'll see what happens.

No. Don't "just see what happens". Decide you will MAKE things happen. Read this:

I have thought about Hinge, Bumble and Badoo but was thinking of doing Tinder first since it has the biggest user base here in Sweden.
I'll setup accounts there aswell then.
Will MAKE it happen!:)
Hi guys,
So I was out with my woman friend yesterday and we took photos of each other with the DSLR.
We also did it with two different outfits to get more material.
I kind of respect elite photographers now, just a slight difference of e,g, angle or place can make a whole difference.
It was hard to get it "right", like I am quite bad at artistic activites where you need a "touch" or "feeling" so to say.
Could you please give me some feedback and tell me if these pictures are better?
I was trying to capture the Street/casual photography style from Andy's Tinder inspiration article.
Here is the link to the photos in RAW quality:

For me to know which pictures that you liked the most, tell me the number that comes after "DSC_"-xxxx in the info of the picture
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

These were my top choices:
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As a bonus, there was a group that was a bit annoying. A girl there was shouting "oh youre so hot" and wanted to take a picture with me.
So I told her to come and give me a kiss in the photo and she did :) :)

BTW KillYourInnerLoser the subject title doesn't change when edited. I wrote "[Feedback on pictures?Round 2] Sprezza's Online Dating" but it didn't change from the original "[Feedback on pictures?] Sprezza's Online Dating"
Bridge one looks the most natural

You could easily get a top tier tinder with good pic selection
Sprezza said:
As a bonus, there was a group that was a bit annoying. A girl there was shouting "oh youre so hot" and wanted to take a picture with me.
So I told her to come and give me a kiss in the photo and she did

That is proper confidence right their, I gonna use that one next time I get a compliment.

You look like you have a great upper body, but your shape is being hidden by those jackets. Can you try getting shots with something better fitting?

I am a big fan of your last picture. you looking stoic, rather than smiling suits stands out.
Sprezza said:
As a bonus, there was a group that was a bit annoying. A girl there was shouting "oh youre so hot" and wanted to take a picture with me.
So I told her to come and give me a kiss in the photo and she did

Genius. I've had girls call me hot/ cute, too, but I was too chicken shit to do anything about it. Stealing this from you, too lmao

I get so jealous of dudes with DLSR taking dope pics. When the money starts coming, it's definitely on my things to buy.
I also like the last one the most out of these. Only thing I have to say is look up the rule of thirds, it's a simple photography principle where you place whichever object you want your viewers to focus on within the four areas where the grid lines intersect. In this case you'd want one of those hot spots to land on each of your eyes, or between your eyes if from a further distance. Just google image search "rule of thirds portrait" and you'll get what I mean.
These areas are where the viewer's eyes will naturally focus on so makes the image more pleasant to look at.
I've overlayed it on your image to show how it doesn't quite line up.

You can either crop your pics afterwards to accomplish this, of there'll be a grid option in your DSLR.
Well done on getting these pics done, hope you asked for her number! I'm waiting for my Nikon trigger to come in the mail so I can get started properly.
Not that fucking ugly? Yeah you definitely aren't . You're Chad... you should be swimming in matches haha. I bet you're shadow banned. Try resetting or making a new account.
Dude, you're tall and built with a good face, you should have no problem getting matches/hookups. Make a new account, post that last pic of you in the street with the red jacket along with maybe a shirtless/hobby pic and you will slay.
Guys, thanks a lot for the feedback!
I've got 4-5 matches since I posted this (6 days ago).
As additional info, I do swipe selectively in order to not fuck up my Tinder rank even more.
All of them luckily replied to my messages.
1 out of 5 have agreed on a date this week // Wohoo!:) also, i'll go for a 2nd try for those that didn't answer.
However, it's not enoguh. I still want to improve the pictures and get more matches, so I will go for a new photoshoot next Monday.
Though its getting a bit hectic since I am doing the AA program, programming, gym + that I am moving to Norway next Thursday.

I will try to improve on posing, maxing out my outfits and reading up on the rule of thirds portrait (thx for the tip skankhunt42 !)
Radical I agree, have it as my 1st photo now.
Sin Silver Do that! E.g the black jacket actually fits perfectly but I posed badly. Red jacket could be tighter in the arms.
SIGMA_1234 Do that aswell! Envision, plan and execute!
Mav Forticks Thanks a lot. Yeah, its weird that I only get a few of them, especially since the average guy pictures are bad on Tinder.
If it's not better by Monday, I'll do a thorough restart of the account.
Sprezza I would still re-start your account. Your pictures are much better than before, so your "Tinder/ELO score" will go up a lot slower right now, than if you just re-start your account. In addition, if you restart your account you would get the newbie boost - essentially your account is shown to a lot more users during your first day, so that they can calculate your "Tinder/ELO score", so if you restart you would get more matches.