Feedback on Tinder photos requested


Jul 21, 2020
Hey guys, I just joined KYIL and introduced myself here.

I want to optimize my Tinder profile and I need your help to choose from the best pictures I have. Unfortunately, most of the pictures where I look good and I am doing interesting activities involve my ex, and I do not feel comfortable having her appear on my profile. Therefore, these are the best pictures I managed to find:

The ones I am using are #9, #15, #18, #22, and #23. (Numbers in the album, not the ones in the description.)
I am not sure whether those are best ones, or if there's anything else that salvageable in the album above.

If you think none of these pictures are good, I will look into buying a DSLR camera and get new ones soon. However, the closure of gyms has taken a toll on my body: while I do still look relatively lean and with some muscle on me, I do look worse than in many of the pictures above. So, I would prefer waiting until I get back in the gym and improve my physique before taking new pictures, unless I can be fully clothed.

Let me know what you think - I am looking forward to hear your opinions.
fuck dude are you kidding me?!? LOL the world is such a fucked up place. I dont think there has ever been a time in history when there has been so many cool, good looking, quality guys that are suffering from low self esteem and are having trouble with woman. It is absoloutly criminal.

This shit is fucked up . You look great dude. Im heading out now, ill look through your shit closer later. Cheers buddy! welcome aboard. This already is, and will continue to be one of, (if not the best) place for no - nonsense bullshit advice , where like- minded guys can be there for each other, for stuff that is hard to talk to with your friends about (cuz they dont get it)
If I had your physique, I would just start and go for it already. Your current choice of pics are good enough now. Just cycle through them if you've exhausted your current pics.
I'd use

#8, #9, #14 (if you can get it to look good on tinder, it's super wide and the tinder settings are super tall so it might kill the quality), #22

Those are your best ones in my opinion.

Don't add new photos to that list if they aren't even close to as good.

Lots of pictures is great, IF they're all good.

But if you have 4 really good photos and 5 other so-so ones, just use only the 4 good ones.

In order, #22 - #8, #9, #14 (#18 could be used as well if #14 doesn't fit well)
I mean dude - you must be matching like crazy with those pics... If that can help I would keep:
-snake pic
-military press
-jump at the beach
-behind the boat
-your avatar
-feet in the water

I don't like the gun pics either and the towel on the dick pics, for some pics the lighting is meh and we do not really see your face
Thank you everyone for the great feedback! I will experiment with some of the photos you have suggested. So far, I've picked five that I think are decent, edited them, and cropped them to match Tinder's requirements. Here are the final results:

There are some other photos that you suggested - I will play around will them as well and see if they end up being good for Tinder.