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[Feedback] Update Tinder Pics


Apr 11, 2021
Hey all

i ve taking some pics for the past two weeks to have something good to start with tinder.
Also if you think I need to change other shit like hairstyle or clothes, pls leave some feedback on that too.

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-Pic with my cat
-Pic in a social setting. Going to another city with some friends in two weeks so I will probably take the picture there
-Pic of other hobbies (me riding a bike)
-Two "artist" pics like this:
Good efforts dude, like the pic of you sitting on the table. I would suggest leading with that and going for the first topless one 2nd

The holding the dumbell is quite intense for the gym photo and low quality, you can probably take something better in the gym

You desperately need pics with other people as well
I like 2 and 3 quite a lot. The rest not that much.

You have a nice physique - good choice of pose to show off the slim waist and wide back you have!

The laughing photo - nice at first glance, but the longer you look at photos like this, the more uncanny it starts looking (in my case at least, but I think it's a common think, isn't it?). And you expect girls to look at your photos for quite a while at least.

The hill (mountains?) photo - your face is in the shadow - not something you want, especially when your best photos are in the sunglasses. Also, there is a nicely blurred background, but it's also quite boring overall. I guess you can pull off much better views in such a place?

All the further photos I would not even consider using. Your profile is as good as your worst photo, and these are straight up bad. better having few good photos, than many of varying quality. Maybe the gym photo would be nice (you seem muscular) if you redid it with better light, a dslr camera and better expression.
Thanks for the feedback

Lostcause said:
You desperately need pics with other people as well
I will work on that

Lostcause said:
Maybe the gym photo would be nice
I took it with my shitty phone because I didn't want to take a camera to the gym, i thought it would be weird. But of course that's the anxiety kicking in, so I will have to face it and do it

Lostcause said:
I guess you can pull off much better views in such a place?
True, I will take a picture with a good view
HyperR said:
I took it with my shitty phone because I didn't want to take a camera to the gym, i thought it would be weird. But of course that's the anxiety kicking in, so I will have to face it and do it
I get your anxiety - I would have the same anxiety myself (maybe bigger, due to not feeling jacked enough for that). but think of fitness influencers doing this shit on a daily basis and being fine!
Also, think of a good place in the gym for that shot beforehand. The gyms tend to have a really shitty light and you obviously should not be jumping all over the place doing photos and interrupting others.
Lostcause said:
but think of fitness influencers doing this shit on a daily basis and being fine!
True, i ve seen someone with a tripod and all of that. But it's exactly what you say, not feeling that I deserve taking pics in the gym.

Lostcause said:
Also, think of a good place in the gym for that shot beforehand.
Yeah, there is a good spot close to a window.
I will go there tomorrow, take a couple pictures and update the thread
Just a side note here but if you are bit anxious about taking a DSLR to the gym another option to consider is a mate with a home gym if it looks clean enough. As for your photos I don't have much extra to add that everyone else hasn't already been covered. Your ideas for artistic photos are a little too out there if they are all like the ones you have shown, I get creepy hiding behind something vibes seeing your face cut off like that. You still want to show yourself off or at the very least something like a 'fun' or 'musing' side of your personality if that makes sense. It shouldn't be too abstract in my opinion. Full disclaimer though, I am arse at taking my own photos. Just pretty good with Photoshop.
Crypto said:
mate with a home gym
I don't have any all my mates go to Public gym. I think I will probably go there at a time were there few people, like a early Sunday morning, and spend some time taking pics

Crypto said:
Your ideas for artistic photos are a little too out there
Yeah you right, but that picture was just to give an example since it was the only one I had

Also Radical you said the gym photo was too intense. What exercises do you recommend to take a photo of?
The exercise is fine its mostly just the face your making and the mad neck veins popping out lol

Andy's one for instance is done in a goofy way on purpose if you check out his tinder profile
Surprised nobody mentioned this before, but even though your first 3 pictures with the sunglasses are good and cool, you really don't want your first photo to be one where you're wearing shades. Girls actively swipe left on that shit if they can't see your face properly. So get an amazing first picture that shows your face well and at least subcommunicates your good physique (doesn't have to be shirtless, it can be just wearing clothes that fit well and show your figure), and then use one of the shirtless ones or the one sitting in the table as second or third picture and that will probably work great. I also recommend max 1 picture wearing sunglasses, it can be cool and show off style, but overdoing it just makes people think that you're hiding / avoiding showing your face.
be careful with the overall vibe of this profile— the facial expressions and bodybuilding poses make it seem like you’re trying too hard. out of the photos you have now i like your facial expression in the gym photo the best. it gives off a playful confident vibe, not like the other angry/constipated/pretentious ones.

esp pay attention to the tension around your mouth. i edited one of the new photos for facial exp, add it to the lineup

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in my experience with clients, “natural” ways to show off your physique result in more matches than posed…this is all in the US though so don’t want to make any generalizations or blanket statements.

look at @jf_maier’s insta for good shirtless photos.

i also disagree with the comments above that your 3rd photo is good. it shows pretty good full body style but that hunched over unnatural pose + sunglasses aren’t ideal.

don’t take the photos i’ve criticized out of the profile yet before you have replacements, but your profile has a lot more potential than what it is now.

also i’d throw in this as a hobby pic for non tinder horizontal apps

Rags2Bitches said:
i edited one of the new photos for facial exp, add it to the lineup

Do you edit that on Photoshop, or using a filter from an app?

Well I think I don't like my smile, that's why I always make the same expression. I will take more pics with a playful vibe.

Thanks for the advice
HyperR said:
Do you edit that on Photoshop, or using a filter from an app?

Well I think I don't like my smile, that's why I always make the same expression. I will take more pics with a playful vibe.

Thanks for the advice

faceapp + facetune

it doesn’t necessarily have to be a smile— just more relaxed body language/face, less tension