Feeling like I can't dress cool/edgy


Jun 21, 2020
I have this problem when I walk into a store like Zara (as has been recommended). I see all these fancy outfits, some already put together as a pair, but I just can't get myself to buy them or even try them on. There is just this mental block that it's not for me or that I'll look really stupid. I just end up buying the really safe and boring clothes that I know I look ok in. At least they fit well.

When I walked around the city today (I live outside the city), I noticed that pretty much all the Chads were dressed really really well. It looked like they had put in so much effort into what they were wearing. Not only were they extremely good looking, but their style was intact with their looks.

How can I get over this mental block?

I also have kosmemophobia (apparently that's what it's called). It's when you have a phobia over jewelry, coins and similar objects, which makes it very hard for me to wear these edgy accessories Andy talks about like pendants and rings. Not sure how I would get over this, I've had it since I was a kid.
If you cant do accessories then go for visible tattoos

Regards the clothes. I cant give you any mental advice for this other than just put them on and wear them around town. You have to overcome mental blocks on your own, nothing anyone can say is really going to help. You just need to do it and become comfortable through exposure
The thing about looking stupid in clothes is that there will always be someone near you who is much worse dressed than you are. The chads you refer to also had, at one point in their lives, bad style. It didn't just happen overnight or with one random shopping binge that resulted in style that is congruent with their appearance. It may have taken years to get to where they are, or maybe they had help from friends or style coaches to speed up the process. Check out "True Classic" (trueclassictees.com). Their shirts fit really nicely on more muscular physiques and I think they're having a bit of a sale right now. See if you like any of the colors, but I'd definitely recommend at least getting black or neutral color sets to start with. See if you like how they fit and feel, then just go from there. I think if you find some new clothing that fits well, you'll be more motivated to continue improving on your wardrobe.

As for your phobia, therapy would probably be the best option to go for.