Field Report 1. Back in the game


Mar 19, 2022
This is going to be my first post ever but let me give some context. Started Daygaming during Covid but I’ve became inconsistent. I started to consistently daygame January 2022. This is where my journey truly began. I've recently took a 3 month break from game this past summer so I've became really rusty but today is my 2nd day back in the field and it went pretty okay but there's a lot I need to improve on. Did about 3-4 sets which isn't much but the last set I number closed this chick in union sq. I did my usual opener but I then struggled with the conversational part. I was messing up by asking too many questions and not enough vibing, before I took my 3 month break this wasn't an issue but today I was really off but felt like I was getting back in there. Even tho the set was bad she was surprisingly receptive. I then number closed by giving her the idea of us grabbing drinks and she agreed to it, then we both went our separate ways. Usually when I cold approach I wouldn't be as terrible as today so hopefully when I day game some more I can go back to where I was before the summer. Even then I wasn't really good. The problems I had with my approaches would be that I was too platonic during the conversations. All I did was just vibe but I wouldn't tease, push pull, etc. This is a main sticking point I want to work on, but that's pretty much how my day game session went. If anyone can recommend me any articles, videos, books on how to flirt and spice up the convoy lmk. Also any feedback would be much appreciated as well. Until next time 👌🏾
Javi said:
If anyone can recommend me any articles, videos, books on how to flirt and spice up the convoy lmk.