Field Report: seanconneryfan_'s night out. Important takeaways inside to level up your game!

Jun 14, 2021
Alright, I don’t usually have time to write up field reports and shieet but I’m hung over and want to lay in bed all day so perfecto. Went out last night. I’ll share some experiences and hopefully you find something beneficial. Or not, I don’t care. The main purpose of this report is to inspire newbies to take the plunge and grab life by the balls!

Decided I wanted to go out and interact with some hot women after a grueling week of dealing with annoying/childish women at work. Told my homie I’m heading downtown, he told me the spot to be at, bet. Done deal, I’m there. I walk into the venue and instantly start dapping people up I don’t know and asking them how their night is going. This is important because they’re now my friends and throughout the rest of the night we are going to have a fucking blast even though we didn’t know each other a minute ago.

  • Part of being the guy that everybody knows at the party is assuming that everybody is your best friend. Everybody is at the club to have fun so ride that wave and have fun conversations with people. Tell some random guy you like his shoes or ask him when it's going to get lit. Confident small talk is how you make friends at night.

I head inside to get a drink and run into a couple people I know from class. We catch up, one girl I knew from a couple years ago tells me that her friend who was giving me fuck-me eyes is her little sister who is a senior in high school. Lol, they start early. Later found out she was prom queen too. I was never the guy who went to college parties in high school because I was on my computer being scared but it feels good to now be the hot and awesome guy who those girls fawn over. It made a small part of my psychological shadow feel good, shoutout to the homie Carl Jung. Lift like your life depends on it bros to become attractive.

Went back outside to meet up with my friend who invited me to the club, he told me he’s with one of his bitches, I say dope, we catch up for a bit and then I let him do his thing. Now was the first time I had an opportunity to really scan the venue and see what is going on.

There was a group of 5 girls doing the most boring dance moves of all time so I walk up to them and tell them as much. I made them all imitate a dance move that my homie came up with on the spot, which was the dumbest thing lol— it was called the “dreidel throw”. I danced there for a little until realizing their dance moves reflected their personality: dry, boring, and not worth the time. One of the girls tried to keep my attention by telling me her friend was interested in me but I eject anyways. Trololololo.

  • I took some time to chill and drink some water and realized something. If I ever get rejected in a club, I’m focusing too much on the girls and not on having fun. Every single girl I’ve ever hooked up with at night has happened because I was being awesome and they wanted to join me. Every single rejection I’ve had is because I was trying to approach girls like a thirsty and desperate loser. Girls can pick up on that shit like a pitbull terrier picks up on a baby’s face.

Anyways, after blowing my mind, I start focusing on my own fun and join a dance circle and teach them a dance move. I noticed a girl glance at me out of the side of my eye so I walked over to their group of six people, grabbed her hands and started dancing with her. She was staring intently in my eyes, we danced for a bit, then I started getting all up in her ear to talk to her. Did that for a bit, she asked me if she could give me her snap, I said I don’t use snap, she asked if she could give me her number, I say sure, then I ejected.

  • Being more physically aggressive than I already am is something I am working on. She was a girl I could’ve made out with but I played it cool out of fear. Shit happens. Sometimes the make out happens so naturally, others I’m scared to lead us there. It’s interesting and I believe it comes down to having even more confidence in knowing what I want even when the girl is more reserved.

At this point, I was tired/hungry so I got one of my friends and went to grab some food at a different venue. While waiting in line, there was a group of 3 hotties behind me that I started a conversation with. One of them was acting like a queen brat so I talked to her for a bit, then allowed the conversation to die while making piercing eye contact with her. We stared deeply into each other’s eyes for 20 seconds until she looked away. She knew that I knew beneath her confident exterior is the same little girl that every girl is and all she wants is to have fun, be cute, and be submissive. The cold exterior is a protective shield for weak men. She became much sweeter.

  • The real conversation with girls happens between your eyes and hers. Not words. Make sure you are who you think you are before trying this or your ego will get bruised quickly.

Later, her blonde friend with tig bitties on a skinny body came up to me when I was grabbing a drink. I was patiently waiting for the worker to get me another cup but this girl made it her mission to help me and petitioned the worker to hurry in getting more cups on my behalf. It’s a nice feeling to have attractive girls do stuff to make your life easier. Got her number.

  • You should become numb to rejection, knowing that for every awesome girl you meet, you might have to go through 10 lame ones before. This is what gives me confidence in asking a girl out without hesitation since every No is one step closer to a Yes... rejection is better than regret. At this point, I feel bad for the girl for missing out on me when I don't get a number for a date. Everybody around you can pick up when you have this mindset and they absolutely love it. Can't fake it tho.

I went back to the first venue and the night was coming to a close. I ran into another close homie and we spent the rest of the night having a good time, talking shit, etc.

Yup, that’s my field report. In hindsight, I might’ve been able to pull water cup blonde if I invited her to spend the rest of the night with me. I’m still working on assertiveness in those situations. The take home message here is that this can be real life if you have a life mission you care about (that isn’t girls), do things that make you awesome, and keep practicing. We all sucked at the start. Currently setting up a date with snap girl.