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Finally seeing abs after hitting 180lbs


Apr 15, 2022
I'm starting to even more confident thanks to intermittent fasting. I thought I would be satisfied around 190 but it was clear that I could cut even more. Now that I'm even leaner I'm hoping to cut down to 175 and see the difference at that bf%. I know it gets harder as you get closer to that goal weight, but the challenge is what drives me further.

I added a photo of where I was at just under two years ago. Today's goal is to buy the outfit and bomber jacket Radical suggested in the style guide. I'll post a photo once I do.
Bro don't tease us by talking about abs and not showing them lmao

I'm on my way as well, but your progress from that photo is truly impressive. What would you say to that guy in that photo knowing what you know now?
Haha you're right! Thanks for the support, I guess being fat so long you get nervous taking shirtless pictures. Here's one from the other day, and Ik it's half cheating since I'm from the side. Regardless, sometimes I need to see that old photo to remind me that progress has been made. I'm lucky that I only have stretch marks and no loose skin..
Thanks for that! Trying my best everyday to keep losing, I'm thinking 175lb or under will be a good point. But my next goal is to post some outfits since my style is lacking hard.