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First photo shoot.

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
After I finished working on the approach anxiety program on Saturday, I met up with an old friend, and asked them to help me take some pictures for a dating profile. We had a t of fun taking these, I can definitely see myself enjoying taking more later, especially once I develop my fitness and style further.

Frustratingly it was incredibly bright when we tried to take these, which has ruined a lot of these pictures. Also, I'm a lot blurrier than I hopped I would have been in these pictures, not sure if It's my friends camera being crap, or just an effect of the brightness.

Any feedback on the photography my style, my poses etc, would be highly appreciated,

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I quite like this face shot, I look serious, and my hair is on point. I feel like I look in control of myself

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I quite like both of these sitting down pictures, first one more than the second due to the angle. Maybe It needs to be zoomed or cropped in a bit more on me.

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I found a theater poster with my name on it! Sadly, they were all held up quite high, so we couldn't get a good shot of me next to it. Would have had a great sense of humor otherwise.
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I quite like the upper half portion of this picture, but my belt is betraying me! No idea what's going on there. Ruins an okay shot otherwise.

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Would have been nice, but the background is just so incredibly bright! Just put this in so you can see what I'm working with,

A casual shot of what I was wearing today.
Hey man! Good shit on taking the initiative to get a friend to take pictures with you. I see a lot of dudes struggling with this for some reason. So good on you for being social and getting it done.

All it takes is one question to a friend, co-worker, relative, etc.. and meeting up.

On to the photos.

Your first one is really good despite it just being a selfie. You're right, you look good and it doesn't look like you just took it for tinder.

Preferably, it would be candid but sometimes these shots can work too if you look really good. The brick background helps a lot too.

Now onto the bad, the rest of the photos in my opinion are pretty unusable.

Style is not on point in any of them, the photo quality isn't the greatest (not the biggest of deals), the scenery isn't great and it just looks like you walked around a building and took some photos.

You gotta ditch those red shoes. Stick with more neutral colors like white, grey and black. The problem is the red doesn't match your outfit whatsoever. You *might* be able to pull it off if you were wearing all black or something but even then I hate red shoes and think they look crazy tacky.

The jacket doesn't work well with the outfit either. I think it's a bad color and the fluff or whatever it's called on the neck isn't very flattering.

The white shirt could be tighter on the arms, they look like they're swimming in that shirt.

For the photo quality and brightness, make sure you go out at golden hour. It's a way better time and lighting for photos like 1 hour before the sun is going down.

I'd also go for less photoshoot type style photos. These pictures scream you went out specifically to take photos for tinder. They need to look candid and not like you took them for tinder.

Last thing is you need to have some photos of you doing an activity and another photo where you're with people at a BBQ, skiing, playing beach volleyball or something like that.

Overall though, good start and with this you have a lot to work on. But it's a success because you got at least one good photo that you can use on your profile from now on.
Hey dashedhopes thanks for the honest feed back I really appreciate it.

dashedhopes said:
Good shit on taking the initiative to get a friend to take pictures with you.

I do understand why a lot of guys would struggle to ask for help like this, or even admit to social dating, but once I pushed pass that initial shame, it great how enabled you feel.

dashedhopes said:
Style is not on point in any of them, the photo quality isn't the greatest (not the biggest of deals), the scenery isn't great and it just looks like you walked around a building and took some photos.

I actually choose one of the most scenic locations in town for these shots, but I think your right, a plainer background would have helped. I'll keep it in mind next time.

dashedhopes said:
You gotta ditch those red shoes. Stick with more neutral colors like white, grey and black. The problem is the red doesn't match your outfit whatsoever. You *might* be able to pull it off if you were wearing all black or something but even then I hate red shoes and think they look crazy tacky.

I actually looked at getting an all black and white outfit a couple of days before this shot. I'll look at buying something similar this weekend.

dashedhopes said:
The white shirt could be tighter on the arms, they look like they're swimming in that shirt.

I will look at getting a better fit. I've never had to look at shirts that are right in the arms before.

dashedhopes said:
For the photo quality and brightness, make sure you go out at golden hour. It's a way better time and lighting for photos like 1 hour before the sun is going down.

Yeah, I realized this problem immediately. Sadly sunset isn't until 8-9 pm right now, but I'll find a work around
Hey man looking good! Wayyyyyyy better than your old photos for sure. Again im not an expert, but I like the first 2 a lot and the one with water behing you, just sucks that theres little to no lighting there though.

Good shit brother you are def going to get more matches with these props!