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First super nasty response!


Jun 12, 2020
So I've been using various OLD platforms for probably about 2 years now.

Basically I pitched the final message in Andy's template, and she said she was looking for a connection. So I said no worries, wished her well, and that I believe in being upfront.

I wasn't expecting to hear anything back but I ended up getting this novel about how I can't get laid and that's why I was looking for casual, have no game and she even called me a slut.

I can't say I've ever gotten a response like that before (I'd gotten some snarky replies when I'd tried being clever, before I realized it doesn't translate well over text).

Obviously I just blocked her and figured I saved myself the trouble if having to deal with a crazy and vile human.

This ever happen to you guys?
Chalk this up to experience

It happens on occasion

And by occasion I mean less than 1% of the time

Ive sent the screening message +100 times now and my angry responses has been 1 so far
Can't speak about online dating, but as far as approaching girls in real life goes, this has happened to me about twice in I would say over 1,000 approaches. And I didn't trip out about it. I got kind of mad just because I realized that this person has an unnormal level of anger in themselves and this somehow brought about an angry state from within myself. It was pretty weird. Then after I looked back on those 2, I don't even feel angry anymore. Obviously they have something wrong with them so there is no point. Just wish that they get help and that's it.

Would you mind posting a screen shot of the message by any chance? Just curious.
Yh sometimes you get a huge flow of bullshit you begin to think they are joking.

Had one Who called me asshole and that I ruin her whole weekend because I sent her a superlike and asked her if she was fake.-i did ask these things.

Cold approach they rather act nonchalant than very rude and mean so far
There are many girls out there who get a kick out of trying to make guys feel small.

When you take away their ego validation they strike out.

It's nasty and sometimes I think it's a shit test at first, then I realise they're for real. At that point I've found it's best to just wish them a nice evening and leave.

Aloofus said:
Basically I pitched the final message in Andy's template, and she said she was looking for a connection. So I said no worries, wished her well, and that I believe in being upfront.

Oh can someone please tell me what Andy's screening message is?
tenzinf92 said:
Aloofus said:
Basically I pitched the final message in Andy's template, and she said she was looking for a connection. So I said no worries, wished her well, and that I believe in being upfront.

Oh can someone please tell me what Andy's screening message is?

'Im not looking for anything too serious, but if you'd be down to meet up, grab a drink and see if we click drop ya number'
I’ve gotten the “Let me give you advice, don’t call a girl sexy” response to the opening line a few times. I just chalk it up to the fact the girl is probably frustrated to still be online dating (it’s usually a girl in their early 30s) and move on.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Yep, I've gotten 8 billion messages like that. (Well, maybe like 10). Don't stress, it's not just you. You didn't do anything wrong, she's just batshit insane. And very judgemental.

This sums it up best:
Girls That Are Mean To You... Have Problems

That's a great article! I wasn't worried that I did, but was pretty surprised that's all. I think GLL is pretty spot on there. Just saved me drama, and probably someone with sexual hangups.

Had a date last night that wants to see me again, and still one pending for today. Lost 2 FBs within about a week span, so down to 1 and my gf.

l0vebone Here it is, I blocked her after that.
Lol what a psycho. I've gotten blocked quite a few times from girls that wanted text buddies, like they were outraged that I didn't want to just give them emotional validation.

Sample conversation on text:

"Hey it's Jamal from Tinder"
"How free are you this weekend? Let's grab a coffee"
"LOL it's coronavirus time...I'm not gonna head out any time soon. Are you still heading out?"
"Cool, text me when you're free - talk to you later"

Then I get blocked on text and deleted on Tinder LOL.

I think what's happening there is that they assume that, much like Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks, that guys have girls they treat as relationship prospects, and girls they only fuck. So in much the same way that guys get really pissed when they get treated with the underlying subtext "you're not hot enough to hook up with, but you can be my boyfriend!", those girls get outraged when they think they hear "you're not pretty/interesting enough to date, but you can be my hookup!"
JamalHash123 said:
Lol what a psycho. I've gotten blocked quite a few times from girls that wanted text buddies, like they were outraged that I didn't want to just give them emotional validation.

Sample conversation on text:

"Hey it's Jamal from Tinder"
"How free are you this weekend? Let's grab a coffee"
"LOL it's coronavirus time...I'm not gonna head out any time soon. Are you still heading out?"
"Cool, text me when you're free - talk to you later"

Then I get blocked on text and deleted on Tinder LOL.

I think what's happening there is that they assume that, much like Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks, that guys have girls they treat as relationship prospects, and girls they only fuck. So in much the same way that guys get really pissed when they get treated with the underlying subtext "you're not hot enough to hook up with, but you can be my boyfriend!", those girls get outraged when they think they hear "you're not pretty/interesting enough to date, but you can be my hookup!"

To be fair I think a lot of women probably DO get burned by guys lying to them or not being honest. To me at least it seems... people in general have a hard time telling the truth, and aren't socially savvy enough to do it in a non insulting way.

A big part of why I enjoy a woman's company IS sex. If that's not an option, she's not getting any of my time. Long ago I had some ex's that had issues with sex, I'll never get involved with any women like that ever again.

Personally I don't like the alpha/beta thing, I go with lover/provider (which is much more real world accurate). Doing boyfriend stuff pegs you as a provider , which doesn't trigger her passion. I have no intention of slotting myself as a provider, so I don't give off that vibe.

Lover/provider is also much more useful, because there CAN be overlap there. I see so many TRP guys confused as to how "betas get women", where it's really not confusing or surprising (they're providers, and do get laid on occasion).
KillYourInnerLoser That article is a classic. I remember reading that gave me the courage to start cold approaching during the day, with no liquid courage. I use to get totally mindfucked when girls would be a bitch at a bar or whatever, and i would replay the scenario over and over in my head wondering what i did wrong.

After internalizing that article, if a girl was rude ( which almost never happens in real life when your both not drunk at a bar), it didn't bother me at all. I just knew that i dodged a bullet , and actually felt bad with whoever guy she ended up with. Don't let women make you feel like shit. If they chew you out, they are not right in the head, and are probably not happy with their life for a bunch of reasons that you should not give a shit about.

Another big lesson i learned is, even the girls that say no, you secretly made their day, and was probably the highlight of it. Guys almost NEVER walk up to random girls and compliment them, make small talk, pitch a potential hang out. Once you get a few under your belt , its so easy, and you realize even the girls who say no, are VERY flattered and are actually happy you made them feel wanted. This is assuming you look decent, and don't put out a strong rape vibe right off the bat.
Aloofus said:
@l0vebone Here it is, I blocked her after that.


Aw man just reading that gives me this feeling inside... Like a kind of frustration/anger that a girl would say something like that, just to be nasty. It feels unjust. But no worries, I'm a big boy and I don't take it seriously.

Logically, I know it's because they've got problems but it still stirs up an unpleasant feeling within... Not as much as it used to though.

I feel very fortunate I have met some amazing women who have kept my faith strong despite some of the ways certain women have behaved towards me. Some guys maybe haven't been so lucky (Elliot Rogers lol).