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For Dates 2-3 weeks ahead


Jun 2, 2020
I have a Bumble date scheduled in 2 weeks. Potentially another one in 3.

For Dates 2-3 weeks ahead, do you occassionally text the girl to make her know you still exist (i.e.: once or 2x per week?)? Or do you not text her at all?

If it wasn't for quarantine, I would have scheduled dates closer, but my limited mobility and fear of COVID-19 has made me do it this way.

Note: by text, I mean short texts that checks in on them. 1-5 messages max. No long chats. What do you think?
The chances of a date happening in 2-3 weeks from online is very low. When I think of online dating, I think of in the next couple of days/week.
boblikestacos666 said:
Why so far out?

1. Didn't expect to get more than 2 good matches.

2. I use our family car to go out. It's not always available, and I have to plan the times I will use it.

3. My family will freak out again if I stay out too late. Severely limiting the dates I can go in a day.

Sucks if you don't have your own place and independence yet. I feel like a man-child.

boblikestacos666 said:
The chances of a date happening in 2-3 weeks from online is very low

I know. That's why I'm asking. But the one for 2 weeks is just busy this week, so I have no choice but to book it next week.
In my mind, the "what to do till the date" is based on how you first positioned yourself.

Did you state up front that you're not looking for something serious because you're busy (what I do)? If yes, I wouldn't message them because that would be incogruent with what I just said. I'd just message them a day before the date or the same day.

Did you give off a nice guy vibe, trying to make her laugh? Then joke's on you, and you should chat her up a bit.
Fuck. Now I am doubly tempted to take a similar pic with Andy in his suit holding handcuffs. Even if I'm happy to be getting more matches, I think I still look like a good boy in my profile.
SIGMA_1234 said:
I have a Bumble date scheduled in 2 weeks. Potentially another one in 3.

For Dates 2-3 weeks ahead, do you occassionally text the girl to make her know you still exist (i.e.: once or 2x per week?)? Or do you not text her at all?

If it wasn't for quarantine, I would have scheduled dates closer, but my limited mobility and fear of COVID-19 has made me do it this way.

Note: by text, I mean short texts that checks in on them. 1-5 messages max. No long chats. What do you think?

I hate to be the one to say this, but I don't think you have much of a chance meeting a woman from OLD that far out.

Anything over a week and your chance of meeting her is tiny.
Looks like I'm fucked then lmao.

They don't have any other free days. I'll just see if they'll flake me by then.
Your odds are definitely lower planning super far out, but it can happen. The "rule" of thumb is that if you don't go on a date within a few days of matching / getting the number then it's toast.

However, my first lay was like 3+ months after matching with her (I send 1 message a day; she was out of the country when we matched) and I have had at least one other lay that was also a few months after we matched (and on the first date). That was due to massive flaking on her part tho.

When are you moving out of your parents' place?
RogerRoger said:
When are you moving out of your parents' place?

2 ways:

1. My web design side hustle takes off. This is my main goal. As much as I hate it, the pandemic has given me the freedom and guts to approach this after so long.
2. Get a job, then work on web design side hustle. I make it a point to send 5 job applications per week.

Earliest for this to happen is next year I think.
Anything past 3-4 days and I expect them to flake or "forget". I wouldn't even consider 2-3 weeks away a setup date unless you had history with the girl and there was good reason for it being that far away.
SIGMA_1234 said:
RogerRoger said:
When are you moving out of your parents' place?

2 ways:

1. My web design side hustle takes off. This is my main goal. As much as I hate it, the pandemic has given me the freedom and guts to approach this after so long.
2. Get a job, then work on web design side hustle. I make it a point to send 5 job applications per week.

Earliest for this to happen is next year I think.

How about choose a deadline and then it HAS to happen by then.