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FredBurger tries to improve

Jun 26, 2023
Quest List
-I want to lose weight and be atleast 200 lbs
-I want to get laid no fat or ugly chicks, but a chick I can respect myself if I do
-find job
-find a better job
-finish up bachelors in tech

Quest Log
My plan to lose weight is to attempt to eat under 2000 calories a day. I am 5'11 at 280 pounds my heaviest was a few months ago at 305. I am glad i lost 20 pounds my breathing was getting funny and I dont plan on stoping now. I need to vist a gym 3 time a week Ill plan to be posting my weight and if I went to the gym 3 times weekly

Get laid
I want to get laid, my path to do this is going to be through dating apps. Ive already taken a few pictures choose one, but I need atleast 4 more superb pictures until I make a profile. I need to find someone to help me take pictures this may take a while, plan B is to save money for a photographer but this will also take time my, plan for this is to download airbnb and I think they have a photographer section. I also need to go buy some clothing to make me look edgey. I didnt buy the stuff from the guides, because im fat and the clothing would look differently on me. Im going to have to go to zara, or banana republic in person to buy different clothing. I will update small steps I take to further this goal every monday;examples will be: bought clothing, took pics, approaches.

In order to do all this Im going to have to find another job. I have a degree in IT and experince and some expired certs. However my job security is very shaky right now and I am uncertain if I have a job next week. Which just shows how uncertain I am. So if I dont get called in on monday to go work, im going to go to my local employment agency and ask for a temp just that pays just above minimum wage, so I atleast have some money while I make applications for a better job. I will update the amount of applications I made in a week every monday.

-as for school I just need to do assignments as Ive been doing.Ill try to make updates the small steps I take every monday
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Weekly update
-improve body quest
Went to gym once, also did a home work out
Watched what I ate

-Get laid quest
0 approaches, 0 tinder pics taken

-Better Job quest
Made 2 applications

-Finish college
Did majority of hw
Weekly update
-improve body quest
Did 1 workout

-Get laid quest
0 approaches, 0 tinder pics taken

-Better Job quest
Made 0 applications

-Finish college
Did majority of hw
Bimonthly update
Improve body quest
-lost a few pounds since october
-282 pounds atm

-get laid quest
Took a few pics for dating profile
-Tinder gave me a good noob boost I got one good match from it but she didnt like the hey sexy message and unmatched
-I dont want to pay for tinder cause it feels like im shadow banned. I know im not but it doesnt seem worth it to pay a scummy company
-bumble, no luck here
-chispa, a few but never messages If I had to pay this is the site id probably pay for
-facebook dating, few matches but they are to far away
- I know my pics are not the best and they need to improve
-Honesltly I feel hopeless in this area dont know what to do

-Finish college
-Done with this quest so i need to change this quest to get a job quest

-Job Quest
-submit about 50 job applications got 4 interviews for the field im going for.
-Im going to need to expand the distance I am looking for a job because Ive run out of jobs to apply for local
FredFredburger said:
-Honesltly I feel hopeless in this area dont know what to do
1. Lose a lot of weight
2. Revamp your wardrobe when you reach a weight you are comfortable with so everything fits well
3. Get a professional shoot done for photos
4. Follow Andy's Tinder guide and/or buy his & Radical 's six week guide

I feel like you already knew this was the answer as I scrolled up a little bit and saw your post from 30th September 2023 you seem to mention most things I just told you. You just have to actually take action and do those things
Thanks for the comment dude

Quest List

Lose Weight

-got rid of some bad food that I was addicted to
-I have been eating between 1500Cal-2000Cal per day
-I worked out twice in the past two weeks
-weighed myself last Monday was 281, I am going to see how long it takes me to reach 271 from here I hope I can get there.

Find Job

-made a few applications like 80 I haven't applied in like 5 days or something
-got a few interviews no call backs
-another interview cumming very soon lets see what happens

Get Laid

-took some picture chose my 4 best pics,
one of me next to dog, one playing guitar with brokeh effect taken with iphone 12, and two generic portraits of me in a random forest they lack variety.
-bought a single article of clothing probably need to buy more
-made some dating accounts haven't paid for anything testing the waters
-Tinder blows, I swiped over 500-1000 times and only get like 2 matches, I have an easier time getting interviews for jobs. I know im not a pretty boy but my tinder resume doesn't suck that bad. I sent the hey sexy whatsup and I got unmatched. Left a very bad taste in my mouth
-Bumble Got like 4 matches or something, they all were a nice weight and not fat but only one messaged me, I asked her whatsup, took her like 5 days to reply she is a good weight she did not have any links to A onlyfans so there is a 50% she didnt have one, but she was Hyper sexualizing herself on her instagram so something seemed off and I decided to unmatch, mainly because she bored me making me wait 5 days.
-facebook dating, I am matching very attractive girls but most of them are in a third world country that is like 100 miles away that I dont want to visit. However I am allowed to message women on FB dating and I saw one who played overwatch so I told her to play with me, she took like 3 days to add me and im still seeing where that goes. She has yet to play Overwatch with me :(

***How Can I improve my results***
-get better pics
-get more pics to I can make a hinge and try to message all girls who are at least 5 and above on hinge below 5 is not worth it in my book, unless she has an amazing personality, but maybe ill message below 5 too, so I know where I stand
Quest List

Lose Weight
-281 pounds atm
-I noticed when I eat chicken as my last meal I lose like 2 pounds but that is hard to do because I have nothing better to do to distract me from eating so I can eat less then 2000 calories a day.
-My goal this week is atleast workout twice this week.

Find Job
-Went to interview didn't get the job, I sent an email asking for feedback from the interviewer and I haven't heard anything back I got ghosted.
-Did 5 applications this week
-goal do 5 more job applications this week.

Get Laid
- took 300 images this week.
-I deleted tinder because it really seemed like a waste of time. I am just going to use Facebook dating as a testing ground for my images for now.
-I am getting matches but they are few, on Facebook dating I have a few matches but they are from a different country that I don't want to visit and the ones in the same city I am in are fat. I am fat but I am just not interested in fat chicks
-Photofeeler is giving me an Average rating of 5 across all my pictures. According to photofeeler there is no difference between a selfie I take while im holding a cat and a pic someone else takes of me while I am playing guitar with brokeh effect. My best picture is one where I am posing next to my dog but the light from the sun bleaches my face so I am going to have to retake it.
-Goal I am going to have to take images with dogs and try to get a really good picture. I need to do consistent small improvements .
I say this with respect man but I don't think you are going to get any success with hot girls for a while at least. Like attracts like, you could probably fuck fat girls if you get decent fashion and some game. Although the highest roi activity you can do would be to try to lose fat as fast as possible and earning money to then support your fatloss journey. You should try to learn as much as you can about fatloss, fitness and biohacking. Also when you get money, you should probably get a bodybuilding coach who is well versed in pharmacology.

I would recommend you to look at these links, they can give you some good ideas on how to optimize your fatloss:
Lose Weight
Ive been going to the gym sticking to my diet. I went to a party this weekend and broke the diet for one day.
weight 279.6lbs
did a minimum of 3-4 workouts this week I haven't been keeping score.
Purchased a thermogenic fat burner to help me lose weight ( I need to increase the amount of workouts I do in the future.)
I am also drinking creatine after my workout.
I plan to start taking zinc as well to increase the amount of testosterone I have.
I am motivated to lose weight.
I am planning to work up to being able to do a super set of 1000 reps for an Ab workout like I was doing when I was younger. right now I am at 250 I am going to try to add 50 reps to my ab superset every other week.

Find Job

Did 7 applications

Get Laid

-Took some new pictures last week I re downloaded tinder and noticed a cute girl had matched with me. Funny how tinder shows u to cute girls after u delete the app, Anyways I saw a Kam video and his advice was to use tinder instead of photofeeler to test ure pics. Uploaded some pics and had no change in results. However photofeeler told me my results went from a 4 to a 6 in the same pic post faceapped
-I messaged one of my matches. I sent a canned opener message. Afterwards my mind kept shaming me and telling me nothing I ever write, will ever be good enough . The thoughts your just going to mess everything up and you dont know what to do kept going into my head. I don't understand why my own thoughts were so negative, and kept shaming me. I didn't write anything for about 10 minutes and then I remembered andy'es words. "you are allowed to suck at things" so i took his advice and asked the girl out but I found out she was to far for me to travel so I didn't set up a date.
-I did some research and found some guys who were not putting as much effort as I was getting better results on photo feeler so I used face app to enhance my face a tiny bit and I liked 10 girls on Facebook dating and It seems to have had better results then before. I got like 1 or 2 likes but they were overweight chicks. I guess I am just going to have to work harder then other people to get the results I want. Where is David Goggins when you need him smh.
-I also matched with a karen. She is cute but, she has yet to respond. Fuck Karen.
2 interviews this week
Sent out resume a few more times.
Bookmarked more targets for resume deployment

Home Workedout
Jumpingjack 1min
Kettlebell swings 45 seconds x3 30lbs
Crunches 12*3
Lunges12*3 both sides
Standing calf raises 12*3 (super easy mode)
Leg side kick 12*3 both sides
Plyo wall sit 30 sec
Quad strch 30sec x2
Calf strech 30sec x2
Rear decline bridge 15*3
Did 1 job interview this week.
Did 3 workouts this week so far. My weight isnt droping. Took some pictures I am consistently getting a 5 in attractiveness on photofeeler without fail
Still not giving up though.
Going to continue to turn in more applications. I am not giving up. My resume is good enough to get tech interviews but my interviewing needs work. I am making improvements to how I interview. What I plan to do now is look at the job description and act as if each bullet point is a question and figure out what my best answer to that bullet point will be.
In my search for finding a good job after double digit rejections from interviews I thought I would take a break.
So I accidentally binge played minecraft Rlcraft for 2 weeks and I could tell it was horrible for my body but for some reason I was unable to quit. I stopped working out. But I was also binge watching youtube. One of the videos was one of andys videos, it talked about the topic: what if you died tomorrow how important would this problem be. I don't remember the exact video but it snapped me out of the trance of playing minecraft, as if it were magic. I got on overwatch instead..........because the matchs end quicker and once my friend leaves i stop playing. I started studying AI and I started messaging the many woman that I had ghosted for about two weeks on OLD. All two of them.......
So I set up a date with one of the females but she had to postpone. I'm not sure if she was gaslighting with her reason for postponing.But I left the door open I was nice about it just in case she actually wants to meet. I may ask her what her schedule is like later because I know she wont reach back out because she is to embarrassed to do it herself. I am mixed feeling about reaching back out. I kind of dont want to do it but I know its because I am rejecting myself deep down inside . Something I noticed is I automatically do hard reject myself when it comes to meeting women .

I looked at myself in the mirror and I noticed some of my muscles were starting to show and I noticed I lost two pounds of weight because I was eating less due to playing minecraft. I am going to take this a lesson to tell myself I can survive eating less than 1500kcal a day and its all in my mind. I was surprised, this motivated me to go to the gym. In the past I would use rage and anger and hatred to fuel me. But I am going to try something different I am going to try to motivate myself by using love and noticing what I love about myself. I love that I made progress. I am very heavy but I love my body I love that I can keep going forward. I love that I made progress and I love that I can push myself. I love to see how I am taking slow and steady steps to progress. I am going to make more effort to document my progress on this forum moving forward. There is a very low chance someone will read this so I have little to be ashamed about.
Yesterday I did the chest and triceps workout I had postponed for about two weeks I was happy with my progress I got regular reps in. I also got on the stepp machine for about 6.5 minutes. the first six were at speed 4 and the last 30 seconds were at speed 7. I gave up a little early because I started to feel pain. Now I am looking back and if I were still in highschool my coach wouldnt of let me quit so easily he would of barked at me until I kept going. Its my turn to be my own coach I am going to push myself because I love the fact that I can push myself. Next time I get on the step machine I will get on it for 8 minutes after my hypertrophy workout. the first 6 minutes will be at level 4 then minute 7 will be at level 7 and the final 30 seconds will be at level nine. then I will slow down to level 4 for the last 30 seconds( these two sentences make more sense if you were in the same room with me while working out) . I know its going to be painful but this is why I want to do it, because I will overcome a challenge and be a better person because of it. The first time I did the stepp machine I felt a rush of blood go into my heart the best imagery I can use to describe this is similar to that of someone opening up a hose of water , I felt a heavy flow and it felt good. I must have more.
Todays workout
10 leg
3 core
1 cardio

swiped 10 times on hinge, no responses probaby due to swiping at strange tomes 4am in the mornings, or maybe i have a face for print
back workout.
I basically applied to every single tech job in the city I live in at this point. I am thinking about applying to some of the larger cities, they probably have less competition due to having way more job postings. Its just kind of scary moving knowing there will be no support system if I move. But I got to keep going. I worked on three minutes for an yt video I will slowly keep working at finish the video doing 3 minutes a day until I reach 10 mintues of content. I am basicaly doing this for fun on a topic I enjoy it is kind of nerve wrecking though, even though noone will probably ever see it.
Negativity ahead for those who read my log, skip this part
Progress update,
I took a 1 day break from going to the gym. That one day break turned into a two week break.
Ive gone twice this week but everyday im going to have to do a minimum of one exercise at least 15 minutes away from the rock I sleep under. This is to build a habit.
I'm still trying to find a job, its tough. In 4 months I have had 14 interviews and only one second interview. Ive applied to almost every tech job in the surrounding area. In my opinion I am highly qualified for the jobs im applying to, but when talking to the interviewers I am being told there is 40 interviewees who I am up against, whom I imagine at least half have the same credentials as I do or better which is bloody ridiculous the economy must be really fucking shit right now.

I think im going to take a break from tinder for a few weeks at least until I get a job and can focus on more boosts. I find women to be incredibly rude on the apps. I message women and the majority don't message me back . The minority stop talking to me half way through conversation. I think these apps are putting my messages at the bottom. I noticed when I had the noobie boost for hinge women were actually messaging me back. I was only able to get one number close.
This morning I got a notification I had one match on tinder, I looked at it I noticed it was a slightly chubby women with good sized breasts and I looked through her profile, I saw we had common interests and I thought if I could get her on a date I could probably get her to laugh and have a good time. I honestly wasn't even aiming for sex. I send her a message that breaks rapport as an intro it is
"Hi (name) you seem interesting. This means we'll either click immediately or clash spectacularly. ready to roll the dice?"
As I thought it was kind of funny and unexpected. As i pressed send my mind did some messed up shit to me. The thought went through my head it went something like "What if we get married? What if we have kids together? What would they look like?" 2 minutes later I check my phone and I got unmatched. Feels like shit. I am not sure what to do I feel kind of beat up.
Next on my list I am going to go to temp job place lie on my resume to get some quick but shitty temp job so I have a job meanwhile I aggressively apply for what I want to be. I was avoiding doing this because I didn't want to use people and tell them, hey im randomly going to take days off to go to interviews for places I actually want to be, or have to lie about why im taking the day or, but that's just what im going to have to do. "Nice guys always finish last".
Worked out today had to cut it short because of my poor time management skills.
I measured my weight on 4/16 and I was 276.8 which is two pounds less then I was on 4/18 I think I lost two pounds of water weight because I was using the steps machine which brings my heart rate to 195 I want to push myself further but I have to drive myself back home. When all my blood is in my legs the quality of my decisions decreases which is a reason why I am avoiding pushing myself, it makes driving a little bit more difficult.

Ive had tinder gold for a few weeks now, my plan is just to swipe until I find 5 active or new girls to send super likes to, who I think I have a chance with. The issue with this is women on tinder typically don't message me back. I Remember seeing an 8/10 on hotness scale, I swipe right on her. Turns out she is a bot and it took the bot three days to swipe right on me, I assume this means it took the bot 300 right swipes before swiping right on me. Which means tinder does not want me to succeed I think they are only giving me enough of the crumbs so I stay on the app. Women on bumble message me back but then they quit messaging and also I get very few likes on bumble and they make me wait days before I am able to see who liked me. Bumble free tier fucking sucks. Hinge i have not used very much because its a lot of work. Plus im avoiding the apps a bit because I don't even have a job right now I applied to every tech job in the City yesterday I found five more jobs and I applied to all of them and im still waiting for a call back and a job offer.

I want to keep doing just a little bit everyday until I reach my goals.Its important to stay optimistic, its important to have hope because hope is powerful. I like to visualize that there is a light at the end of this tunnel, but then I say thats not true because I am better then that, "I am the light in the tunnel and I am going to light the way to my goals". I already am a winner . Its my version of green lanterns light poem lol.
4/21-Walked 7 miles on a rocky path , in old shoes that has very little sole left I wanted to go 10 miles but the rocks were getting to me and if my feet go out I wont be able to go to the gym for like a month
4/22-be lazy played minecraft 😈😈😈😈😈
4/23-gym , interview. The interviewer told me I was on the short list, I hope he meant for getting hired and I hope he was telling me the truth instead of trying to make me feel better.
Ive applied to every job posting in the city on indeed , it feels bad refreshing my job feed and seeing no new tech job postings almost a little hopeless and alone like being stranded on an island. I'm going to have to start applying to remote tech jobs. I need to go to the temp job agency, but im procrastinating because I know im going to need to make a new application and lie on it. Plus I really want to work in tech and I know i am going to be skipping random days in my temp job to go to tech interviews. and im sure the people giving me a job are not going to like that.In college, my cohort was like 100 students, every new year in this one school there is 100 new students, in addition to that there is multiple colleges and unis. The amount of workers outnumber the amount of tech jobs there is in my city by a lot. I imagine its at least 200tech workers applying to 1 tech job. I feel like the odds are against me. I don't know what to do but I know I cannot give up. I am responsible for the effort not the outcome.
My car broke down today, really threw a wrench in my plans. It would of been so easy to just quit at any moment and watch youtube and eat whatever I wanted like a degenerate but I kept going .It took me 4 hours but I fixed it, also went to the gym afterwards. Worked on my back and bicepts and shoulders. Acted like a chad said hi to some women at the gym(even though I know deep down inside im not a chad because women don't message me back on tinder :cry: Forever alone). I couldn't go to temp job place but i am going to look for a daily to do list app on the app store to check off daily goals that need to be done.
FredFredburger said:
My car broke down today, really threw a wrench in my plans. It would of been so easy to just quit at any moment and watch youtube and eat whatever I wanted like a degenerate but I kept going .It took me 4 hours but I fixed it, also went to the gym afterwards. Worked on my back and bicepts and shoulders. Acted like a chad said hi to some women at the gym(even though I know deep down inside im not a chad because women don't message me back on tinder Forever alone). I couldn't go to temp job place but i am going to look for a daily to do list app on the app store to check off daily goals that need to be done.
Good shit man.
FredFredburger said:
Acted like a chad said hi to some women at the gym(even though I know deep down inside im not a chad because women don't message me back on tinder :cry: Forever alone)

“We are what we repeatedly do, therefore, excellence is not an act, but a habit” Fake it till you make it (I'm giving myself advice as well as you), all the while losing fat of course, the biggest battle is in the our own mind. Women can't read minds thankfully, so if you act like a chad, how can they tell you're not? Keep at it man.