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GamebreakerZach's AA and Get Laid Log

Aug 20, 2022
Day 3

-Hey guys, I've finally started to want to bury the hatchet. I want to get laid and either eliminate or severely lower my aa. I don't have that much aa (the first 4 days of college I cold approached 6 girls ). This was more than my 5 dormmates had ever done in their life. I find talking to strangers fun and enjoy learning about new people. I don't think this challenge will be that hard, but I want to be able to talk to 90% of the girls I think are attractive. Getting laid, however, I think will be far more difficult for me. I have this fear every time something sexual with a girl may happen. I have had plenty of opportunities to have sex with attractive girls, but I've always "bitched" out. I'm tired of it. I want to get laid, so I can sort of getting rid of this IRL sexual fear I have. Also, the college social hierarchy isn't as much of a big deal at my school, because greek life is pretty strict. Greek houses don't exist on campus, all of their activities are heavily monitored, and the biggest frat actually got suspended from our school 3 years ago. Only around 300 girls rushed this year to a 40,000+-student university to put it in perspective. Safe to say that the social hierarchy isn't as ruthless as other big universities. I've also already made accounts for Tinder(I think I'm shadow-banned, but I will wait a bit and focus on improvement til I hard reset), Bumble, Hinge, POF, and OkCupid. Anyways I will start the drills tomorrow.
Day One of Drills - Day 4

-Today I woke around 6:48am. Definitely did not get enough sleep. Actually got up around 7:10am. Got ready and went out to my campus gym. I had failed to put in my contacts, so I was walking around campus staring at blank unreadable faces. I couldn’t even tell if the people walking were a boy or girl. Thought about how this could be a cheat for ppl with bad eyesight developing social freedom since you couldn’t see their reaction. Asked the first person I could tell was a girl what time it was(1). I got to the gym and asked another girl who was resting between sets with her AirPods what time it was. (2). After my workout, I asked the receptionist what time it was, but thought this was kind of cheating and she was way older than I thought she looked(from a distance). I immediately walked outside and asked a cute girl sitting at a table(3). Went back to my dorm with my Grub-hub. Went to class with my friend at 9:50am. Asked a girl on the way there. She was super country and had an adorable smile. (4). Asked a girl on her phone before I walked into my lecture(5). 11:20am Me and my friend were talking to a girl in the elevator, in retrospect, I think she wanted us to ask her to hang out or something. She kept dropping hints of wanting to shop/thrift with us. (One big problem I have is picking up on girls giving indirect hints, I always realize them a couple of mins after the fact). Whatever. she lives on my floor, so I’ll probably see her again. I wasn’t super attracted to her, but she seems pretty chill.
Tues. Aug 30th
Day 2 of Drills - Day 5
-Alright, I’m back into it. I couldn’t do it during the weekend, because the campus is essentially abandoned during the weekend. I didn’t do it on Monday because I was busy doing homework and just wanted a break from social stress. I also wanted to take a break from hitting on girls too. Today I got back into it. The first girl I saw in the morning I asked for the time(1). I asked another girl walking outside about 10 steps away what time it was(2). I asked another girl inside my cafeteria what time it was(3). I asked another girl when I walked outside the commons what time it was(4). I asked a girl on the way to the gym what time it was(5). Took a break. The gym really took a lot out of me, I was super tired but had to go to my lectures. In the first one I sat down next to a pretty cute girl, but unfortunately at the end, I thought she would leave quickly but she went to the professor and I left already. That one hurt. Next time I'll just walk up to her after it or just wait for when she leaves. Not asking a girl out doesn’t give me relief anymore, it just brings a lot of pain to my heart. Anyway, after that, I did the drill and asked 5 more girls what time it was faster than before, but I couldn’t do it as fast as I wanted to, because it was raining and it was really annoying doing this in the rain with people using umbrellas to block their faces. I might repeat it but I think I’m ready to move on to the next one.