Getting My Mojo Back


Apr 2, 2023
Quick Update from my initial welcome post. I'm still on track for a new lay a month, in fact since then I've done 2 new lays per month. The thing is those lays have been through tinder or night game, so I always thought I was good.

Yesterday I had to go get groceries and saw 3 opportunities to approach, and I couldn't muster up the juice to approach any of them. Then later today I was at the mall to get some new shoes, and figured I'd spend that time trying to day game. Well, turns out I was a bigger pussy than I thought. I spent 2 hours and was able to only do one approach. It's been a sobering weekend for me. The difference from my night game and day game is literally and figuratively day and night. I've got no troubles approaching and girls at night, but for some reason in the day I lock up.

So the point of this thread is going to be for me to start logging and owning my successful and failed approaches, and hopefully get back to the point where I just didn't give a fuck on hitting on girls in the daytime.
trapperjohn said:
Yesterday I had to go get groceries and saw 3 opportunities to approach, and I couldn't muster up the juice to approach any of them. Then later today I was at the mall to get some new shoes, and figured I'd spend that time trying to day game. Well, turns out I was a bigger pussy than I thought. I spent 2 hours and was able to only do one approach. It's been a sobering weekend for me. The difference from my night game and day game is literally and figuratively day and night. I've got no troubles approaching and girls at night, but for some reason in the day I lock up.
In my experience there are different kinds of AA. I'm still overcoming my AA and this has been my experience. When I first started I could only do stationary girls and not walking girls. And I feel way more comfortable approaching outside whereas I feel uncomfortable in stores/subway stations. I think it's a common experience that if you're not used to approaching under certain circumstances, then your AA can resurface. YMMV, that's been my experience though.