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Getting nowhere on tinder - everythings broken

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Sep 7, 2023
I’m so fucking anxious i can’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about what the fuck in going to do about my fucking sex life because im getting fucking nowhere right now - every singld fucking thing I try is broken. I cant fucking use the money i’ve earned for boosts; every fucking thing i try to make online dating work just spits in my face - i’m considering fucking giving up

I wasted 200 fucking dollars on google play cards thst wont redeem; keeps asking for the receipt but even though i give it they don’t fucking respond - thats 15 hours fucking pay i cant get back.

Then; when i try to use my debit card to buy more boosts it just says transaction cant be completed and fucking asks for another payment method . Despute the fact i tried using my gift cards.

Fuck google. If i could i’d have them all run over a fucking steamroller. I hate this too big to fail big tech data pricks. Why the FUCK do i have go verify my fucking identity to the point where I need to send photos of all my fucking documents to random people there have to be laws against such invasion of privacy.

I can’t believe despite all the work i put in getting decent clothes; photos and money im being fucked by google. I’ve wasted money on a fucking burner. How the fuck am i supposed to get matches and dates without fucking boosts? What the fuck is this shit.

I need to know what to fucking do so i can fucking sleep at night. Im tired of just not getting shit for results. everytime some new fucking problem arises. I feel like this is never gonna fucking end I DID EVERYTHING I WAS SUPPOSED TO AND ITS STILL FUCKED i can’t take this shit much longer.

into assumptions that were based on shit actually fucking working.

Start a log.

Stop your single use threads.

We CAN fix this, OK?

It can be resolved. :-)

Stay strong.

EDIT: I see you have a log. Post all questions in there, and we can guide you. Just post on your log from now.

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