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Girl seems to be very sex positive, then 180's when I surgest we meet up at hers.

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
I started speaking to a girl on bumble. Attractive, hit her with the usual openings.

'Hey[name] you’re cute, what you are doing?'...

'Random mutual conversation piece...'

'You sound really cool, here, my whatsapp.., lets arrange a date'.

Sadly, she lives about an hour away from me(I'm a country bumpkin, most of my matches are), so Setting up an next day date isn't easy. We ended up arranging a date at the weekend thisSunday.

We started to make nice conversation online, but we started flirting.

She said I could always stay in her spare room, then that it nice to have a big strong man around the house, then I asked what she needs a ‘big, strong dark’, man for, and she said to replace her 'old toys'.

I started to push the old toys line, which eventually lead to us discussing sex, and me telling her I like to be tie girls up, and her telling me her fantasy is to be tied up.

In the same following message, she pretty much established that she was free tonight, and asked if I was free tonight also. Which after our talks about sex and tieing up, I interpreted as asking me over for sex.

Now, I'll admit I had some alarm bells here. I've never had someone be that forward with me on online dating before who didn’t turn out to be desperate/clingy. I know Andy and other more attractive people do, so maybe I am starting to get it now that I have made myself more attractive and revamped my account.

Whilst I was anxious replying, and going against my instincts and previous experience, I went ahead and recommended that we could meet up tonight and 'indulge in this fantasy of hers'.

About an hour later, she hit me with the 'I am free later on, but I'm not the type of girle who does sex on the first dates, I want somone who will make me want to delete the apps.. Are you just after fun? etc etc'

I'm typing this now, milling over what to respond.

I consider myself an man of honesty and intrigerity,I am looking for fun and sex obviously, but I'm also looking for an LTR too. It's just a matter of whether I find someone I am happy settling down with.

I am honestly considering saying that, and then worry about the logistics later. Any tips on how to proceed.

Any thought son the situation?
Also, I should state I live with my parents, so I can't have her over at mine. She knows this already.
Yeah honestly I think its a cop out. I think she's saying it not to seem easy. Even girls who like to sleep around don't like to be thought of as girls who sleep around. I might say "why don't we see how things go" or a common sales line "why don't we make sure we (if she's young under 24-25) vibe/ like each other first then go from there"

Oh I think the 180 happened because suddenly it was real. At first its just talk but once plans start getting made the chance of it happening is real. I remember when I was taking this girl home and as we got closer she flashed her tits at me probably to make sure that I understood what was going to happen next. And told me she gained a little weight. (its always skinny girls who are insecure about their weight funny enough.)

She could end up being a FWB. I take it she's looking to meet up in a couple hours tonight?
Sexting is not making progress. Opposite if anything. You literally allow her to satisfy her sexual needs without meeting you. Nothing wrong with that obviously, but if you want to get laid, then you should get a date instead.
Yeah, I’ve never been into sexting, feels it comes off as desperate.

I felt anxious doing it at first as it’s against my usual Mo, but I felt I should find out what happened if I did. Stick to Andy’s style of making it apparent what I’m about.
Lostcause said:
Sexting is not making progress. Opposite if anything. You literally allow her to satisfy her sexual needs without meeting you. Nothing wrong with that obviously, but if you want to get laid, then you should get a date instead

Can confirm. Sexting was a huge waste of time for me last year.
Sexting is BS and a total waste of time

think of it like finding an 'erotic pen-pal' , this being a term i just came up with on the go

and it sounds shitty af

so, to conclude and this should be pretty much a foundation in any dating strategy - arrange to meet her and let things develop and escalate in person , which is always better and healthier for both people involved

have fun !