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Going at it !


Jul 2, 2021
About myself:
- started late with girls and bedded few of them, so far (but I fuck exceptionally well, they say). The first part is a big complex of mine. I want to overcompensate for that by bedding A LOT of girls, especially the younger ones (18-22).
- not very social - this is a limiting belief. When I feel good, I am fun to be around and have even been the soul of parties.
- social and girl-related confidence has risen a lot in the past 5 years. I am starting to feel like I deserve girls and that escalation is the natural thing to do (used to be afraid of it... still am, to a lesser degree...)
- doing very well career-wise and financially, so this is one obstacle out of the way

My main goals:
- become very attractive
- bed a lot of 18-22 year olds (college girls), but also older ones.
- be able to get laid within a week, even if I don't have any girls lined up
- be able to get laid in various contexts - clubs, while traveling, from online dating and so on
- live my sexual fantasies
- ONS's from clubs and online dating, short term relationships, fuckbuddies, cold approaches... I want to do it all. I feel the potential inside me and I want to live up to it.
And let me start with a nice field report from Saturday night:

Went to a club, looking good, feeling confident.
Some poor guy is trying to dance with this girl. She positions herself in front of me, but not facing towards me.

I get the signals. I put my hands on her waist, pull her closer and start dancing. Within a minute, I turn her around and we start kissing. Within a few minutes, we're touching each other everywhere... My hand is underneath her skirt and she's feeling my dick. Kissing like crazy. Feeling her all over her body... It's the closest thing you can get to sex without getting naked in public. So overboard and I love it! :)

This is totally an "a la Scotty" experience. Damn! This shit is real! :)
(actually, I've done a similar thing in the past, with a young cutie... but not really to this scale)

I take her outside, with the intention to find a hotel nearby and go there, but, stupid me, I let a discussion start. "What do you do?", "Where do you live?", reasons for being so straightforward (we were both just out of relationships), and so on.

She says that she should go back inside. I try to salvage the situation, but to no avail. I missed what could have been my first ever ONS.

Looking forward to the next opportunity!

Morale of the story #1: shit like this can happen if you screen the girls correctly.
Morale of the story #2: I'm a fucking badass, haha
My immediate goals:
1. find an apartment in the right part of the city - have to get this solved by end of the week. Prio number 1, as I don't really have a place of my own to stay !
2. start/continue the conversations with the current Tinder/Bumble girls.
Score said:
My immediate goals:
1. find an apartment in the right part of the city - have to get this solved by end of the week. Prio number 1, as I don't really have a place of my own to stay !
2. start/continue the conversations with the current Tinder/Bumble girls.

Got a nice apartment right in the city center!
There's a popular club within 3 minutes.
Cafes within 30 seconds.
Countless others clubs, restaurants and cafes within 10 minutes.
5 mins away from two parks.

Super nice looking, super good location! Quite a rare catch! I was lucky to find it. :)

I was also entertaining the idea of getting an apartment halfway between my job and the city center, but in relative proximity (5 min by car) of a fancier club (the clubs in the city center are not of the fancier type).

But then I read a GLL-inspired article where the guy was making a solid point for living within 10 minutes *walking* distance of the nightlife and in an area where girls are excited to come on a date.
"If you're not doing it, you're leaving a lot on the table" -> this struck with me.
(can't recall the website, unfortunately)

Next: move in the new apartment over the weekend and (re)start talking to girls on Tinder/Bumble. I had stopped chatting due to lack of time (due to work stuff + the search for an apt) and lost two solid matches. Oh well...
Two months in and I have mixed feelings.

First month was poor.
No dates, which was pissing me off. Was anything wrong with me? :shock:
Partied hard, made out with a few girls in the club. I was even rubbing one girl's panties, but that didn't conclude in a lay. Approaching in the clubs was hard, but managed to do quite a few of them and had fun.
No lays, except one with the ex :lol:

Second month: went on dates ~4 days / week with a handful of girls (OLD and FB). One day, I had 3 girls wanting to see me. What a great feeling! 8-)
Each and every date went well.
- 1 lay (twice, actually). Cut ties with this girl, because she wanted a relationship + there were several things about her that I didn't find attractive. She wanted to do all kinds of freaky stuff. It's a pity that we didn't live that through.
- 1 girl half-naked in my car (twice), but she didn't want to go any further because she wanted something serious. In my head, I was kinda entertaining a relationship with her. Great girl! Cut ties with her, though, because things weren't going where I wanted them to.
- got one girl into bed at a festival, but didn't get laid. I'll pursue this further.
- The rest of the dates went well, but I wasn't interested to go further.

Some observations:
- I attract the 28-30 year-olds and these girls want relationships (obviously). Gotta change things to attract the younger ones.
- I am surprised how many flakes there are in OLD, despite the convos going very well over chat.
- I started strong with clubs, but I seem to have lost all my mojo. In my latest outings, I couldn't approach ANY girls. What the hell is wrong with me?

Current status:
- not seeing or talking to anyone, at the moment, but I have a queue of girls that I already talked to and should take out on a date.
- I'm improving my style (buying new clothes, accessories, looking to groom better, etc).
Nice job dude.

How many dates did you line up last month?
And how many flaked?

I'm tryna get some perspective. I just started OLD.

I talked to so many girls over the past 2 months, that I forgot details and cannot do an accurate statistic. For example, I just remembered that even in the first month I invited 3 girls for a date - 2 of them flaked.

Overall (roughly, I might have forgotten some):
- set dates with ~11 girls
- 4 of 11 flaked (most of them had high IL, so that was a surprise)
- kissed 3 of 7 (almost 100% success rate, actually, because I wasn't really interested in the majority that I didn't kiss)
- got intimate with 2 of 3 (I lost interest for the 3rd one)
- got laid with 1 of 2

In addition:
- talked to a countless number of girls in a club setting (best night: 12 girls. By contrast, the rest of the nights were quite.. tame)
- successful pick-ups: 5
- kissed on the spot: 4 of 5
- got super-sexual right then and there with 2 of them
- with a 3rd one (the festival girl that I mentioned in my previous post): I got into her room, but didn't conclude with sex

Damn!! That's pretty great by my standards! Never have I done this well in my life! :)

Be aware that the nature of girls in your area might be different (eg: might be more flake-ish), so your mileage may vary. For example, where I live, Tinder seems to be used to search for relationships rather than no-commitment sex. Different culture, I guess... (or maybe I got feedback from the wrong people, haha)
One more thing: both girls that I got intimate with were from random "Add friend" on Facebook.
But these girls were both looking for relationships...

Still, a strategy worth trying.

I know of several girls who rely on Instagram / Fb to find a man (one of those girls being my ex :lol: )
Good stuff.

Your experience is normal. Girls ghost at every point of the interaction (they're also also the ones who instigate the majority of ONS, according to Mike Mehlman)

Score said:
I talked to so many girls over the past 2 months, that I forgot details and cannot do an accurate statistic.

Seeing your name I'd expect you to keep score 🤔
Score said:
- I am surprised how many flakes there are in OLD, despite the convos going very well over chat.
Lasting convos that "go well" don't lead to more sex than short stale convos. In fact they may lead to less sex ironically.

Practically all the girls I've met through OLD gave me their phone numbers after 2-3 short messages. Many will try to trick you into wasting time talking to them, you'll probably spot them with experience.

"Oh I'm totally down to meet, but lets talk more first" --> She doesn't want to meet.
"Sure, I'm not looking for anything serious either. I've got a lot of questions though: how big are you down there? do you like rough sex?" --> probably just wants to fantasize and never meet

Any variation of "lets keep talking so I don't have to give you my phone number right now" is usually bad news in my experience. Even if they're danging sexual topics right in front of your nose.

Also, if you're not being explicit with your intentions, you're likely to end up on dates that don't lead to sex.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
they're also also the ones who instigate the majority of ONS, according to Mike Mehlman
What does that mean? As in, they get back to you out of the blue when they want to have sex? It's never happened to me so far.