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Guilt, Uncertainty Going Out With COVID Around


Jun 2, 2020
This will be the last time I will be bringing up Covid like this in a post, because I will be prone to using this again as an excuse if I'm not careful. But I need some help and perspective.

For context: I am a young guy who still lives with his parents. And I badly, badly want to do cold approaches again. I don't give a fuck about Covid; I'm still young and my immune system can handle it.

The problem is that I live in a multi-generational household (if not live in, we meet very often to the point of me being sick of it). And the only thing stopping me from going out and socializing is my fear of bringing it to my parents and grandparents. Especially grandparents. In an Asian household (and more pronounced if you're not form a developed Western country), family is very important, and the grandparents are the important members and sages of the family. My dad and other relatives are paranoid that my grandmother will get Covid if we aren't careful.

Let me be clear that I will be cold approaching if I can, but what's stopping me is my family. I don't want to be the guy guilty of bringing Covid to my elder relatives. If your answer is me moving out, well I am working on it. It's a slow grind. If there are any other young guys here who live in multi-generational households who still cold approach, I would like to know how you rationalize it with your parents and yourself.
Hosntly, I want to say no, however, the choice between your own personal development and the risks to your family are a decision only you can make, and what ever decision YOU make, YOU have to own it. No one on this forum can tell give you a Yes or No on whether you should or not.

That being said to explore the options further:

Can you practice your cold approach whilst remaining safe? You can speak to people wearing a mask, you can speak to people whilst more than two meters away, and you can speak to people in sparsely populated areas. If you can do all these, ultimately, can you work on your cold approach, whilst minimizing risks to your family.

On the other hand, what difference is it gonna make if you wait 6 to 12 months before you start cold approaching? We are in the middle of a global health crisis, the likes of which no one has seen in over one hundred years. If instead of spending 4-5 hours of cold approaching a week, you spent that studying Mandarin, job hunting etc, would you be able to make significant progress in other areas whilst you wait for this to blow over?
I work in a covid unit and still go
Out and see people/friends and hit on women regularly.

What KillYourInnerLoser said is true if you’re young and healthy you don’t have a lot to worry about.

Although I’ve seen cases where the individual is young (<25) with covid. The vast majority are over 70 years of age that need Intubation/intense medical treatment.

Most young people are going to have a similar experience to the virus that myself and chado had.

I had a cough for 2 days about 3 three months ago. I got test for covid antibodies not too long ago turns out I’ve had antibodies to this virus for quite sometime.

I’d assume a lot of other young people do as well who’ve been exposed/contracted the virus without it realizing it.

In fact covid isn’t your main barrier to getting laid at this point. It’s living with your grandma haha.
I live with older folks too (thinks 70s) I am not fucking around with Covid , I would take time to work on things like your body ,credit score, learning to cook etc . Its a global pandemic hence why i wanna stick to online game, You wont yield much value doing 1 or 2 approaches via grocery store every 3 days etc. I got a lotta my training(was balling pre covid) in night clubs thats not viable right now, So I am all online and working on my stack(yes I have a stack and it reaps rewards,thank you Colgate lol!)