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Haircut and facial structure


Mar 19, 2023
When i got my haircut it was like the first photo More or less. I feel like i should get a different one that compliments my facial structure more. Though im having trouble telling what that is. Im thinking either round,square, and triangle facial structures. Any opinions? Ive been said i look like dustin from stranger things which is dissapointing

A bit hard to tell from your lack of pictures (aside from your profile).

I would say your current cut has potential, but you are still young and have a young face (soft, smooth) -- hence why people say you look like Dustin. Also, if you leaned out more, then I think that could help masculinize your face with a trendy cut like this -- I tend to believe a lot of these faddish haircuts look best on lean faces (thinner/hollower cheeks).

I do not have any solid haircut recommendations for your face as is, so I would say be open to experimentation. Maybe a mullet-mohawk? (it is trendy where I am at) -- it looks more manly and douchie -- but I am not sold on it.