Hard2Focus' tinder-profile; 06.26.22 What am I missing? Better photos but lackluster results

Sep 13, 2021
Hi guys,

I need honest feedback on my current profile. As some may know I've recently moved cross country to a city with 45k inhabitants, and when typing this out I've only gotten two matches with semi-responsive girls.

Other than that I have 14 likes on my profile, all of which are with 90% fat, ugly chicks I'd never want to pursue in the first place. Or they live 50+ miles away.

This alone makes me think that my profile pictures are not of the quality that I need, and that I'm giving off too much of a boyfriend-vibe. Or that there's some kind of dissonance with the one shirtless picture that was inspired by Andys "shirtless-with-a-funny-hat" pic in his guide.

My main challenge is that I have very few usable pictures, and I've looked hard in all off my backlog of pictures that my family has taken off me in the past.

Current profile is very minimal, and I'm using a translated version of "When I was little girls didn't like it when I pulled their hair" + my age. I've gone with the trick of setting my age to 24 and hiding it, also.

Profile photos:


Extra photos I've either used in the past, or consider possibly usable:

Any feedback is highly welcome!
Firstly, I don't know how the Norway Tinder Market is, but Tindering in a city of 45K is unlikely to yield desirable results. There's simply not enough volume.

Your first and third photos make you look much older than you are. When I first glanced at your age, I thought you were around 40. The fourth photo, in contrast, makes you look your age.

None of the photos are ideal. The second photo obscures your face and is a selfie. The third photo obscures your face. The fourth photo you're winking.

Your Drive link isn't open access, so I can't view it, but overall, you need to do a photoshoot with a DSLR and get brand new photos, even if you take them yourself. No way around it.
pancakemouse said:
Firstly, I don't know how the Norway Tinder Market is, but Tindering in a city of 45K is unlikely to yield desirable results. There's simply not enough volume.

Your first and third photos make you look much older than you are. When I first glanced at your age, I thought you were around 40. The fourth photo, in contrast, makes you look your age.

None of the photos are ideal. The second photo obscures your face and is a selfie. The third photo obscures your face. The fourth photo you're winking.

Your Drive link isn't open access, so I can't view it, but overall, you need to do a photoshoot with a DSLR and get brand new photos, even if you take them yourself. No way around it.

Well shit. 40?!? I didn't think it would be that bad tbf, as I often get mistaken for being 3-5 years younger in real life.
And yeah, 45k is to me a huge step up from where I were 2 weeks ago (5k), but I realize that if anything, I need to move to an even bigger city if I want to get any decent amount of results.

Thanks a lot for the feedback, I'll have to decide if I should invest money on a new camera or look for a usable photographer.

Also, I've updated the folder with my other photos. Not that I think any of them are of use, tho, but here they are nonetheless.
Yea this profile isn't great and I agree with pancakemouse. It's hard to live the player lifestyle in a city with less than several hundred thousand ppl, with some exceptions like giant college towns.

First pic does make you look a bit older but I like the vibe. Play with faceapp filters a bit or email to me
2nd is a good body photo
3rd serves no purpose that I can see...
4th isn't really a group photo cause you can't see the other people. boring background. I don't mind that you're winking cause it shows some personality

The only other usable photo is you standing in the middle of the river, but it's also not ideal

Need portraits with edgy style, hobby photos and something with other ppl and/or an animal
Rags2Bitches said:
Yea this profile isn't great and I agree with @pancakemouse. It's hard to live the player lifestyle in a city with less than several hundred thousand ppl, with some exceptions like giant college towns.

First pic does make you look a bit older but I like the vibe. Play with faceapp filters a bit or email to me
2nd is a good body photo
3rd serves no purpose that I can see...
4th isn't really a group photo cause you can't see the other people. boring background. I don't mind that you're winking cause it shows some personality

The only other usable photo is you standing in the middle of the river, but it's also not ideal

Need portraits with edgy style, hobby photos and something with other ppl and/or an animal

Thanks for the feedback man, I really appreciate it.
I imagine that getting the right photos is going to take some time , and like I said above I'm contemplating if I should save up for a camera or try to find a decent photographer where I live.
Nonetheless, I don't want it ending up as an excuse for not doing whatever I can with the profile I've currently got to try and get matches/dates etc.

I went ahead and fucked around with FaceApp a bit and feel that the small adjustments I've applied at least have made some difference:
3 is a HUGE difference. Makes you look at least 5 years younger.
Photos arnt technically bad IMO.

I think they just don’t say much about you. Maybe the camera that you do photography.

Are you seeing results in the online dating world?
Adriel said:
Photos arnt technically bad IMO.

I think they just don’t say much about you. Maybe the camera that you do photography.

Are you seeing results in the online dating world?


Haven't gotten laid off tinder as of yet, but I'm getting some matches here and there and some of them I'd actually want to try to bang.

But yeah investing in a decent SLR like the EosR definitely is appealing, only that it will be at least a couple of months before I can afford it, unless I get a loan to pay it off bit by bit.
Interesting. And you are doing everything else in Andy’s guide. Tinder gold, in a city, age thing etc?

I would think your pics are okay but what do I know.

I don’t like talking out my ass but I really think that telling people to get a pro camera and start shooting themselves isn’t the way to go. It’s going to take so long to get good at shooting AND THEN YOU NEED TO LEARN TO POSE. To give you an idea I shoot for work but I’m asking a mate to come and take tinder photos for me because it’s so much easier for me to concentrate on posture, expression etc.

Keep trying on your phone and if your taking out a loan for the camera. Consider renting it instead. It’s going to be cheaper. But have a location and photo ideas before you rent it.

So have 5 ideas for photos and take all these in your phone. Post them here and if they are good ideas rent out a camera for a week and redo the same photos with better quality.
Adriel said:
Interesting. And you are doing everything else in Andy’s guide. Tinder gold, in a city, age thing etc?

Most of it, that I can think of, yes. Tinder platinum, small city tho (45k), age set to 24 and hidden.

I don’t like talking out my ass but I really think that telling people to get a pro camera and start shooting themselves isn’t the way to go. It’s going to take so long to get good at shooting AND THEN YOU NEED TO LEARN TO POSE. To give you an idea I shoot for work but I’m asking a mate to come and take tinder photos for me because it’s so much easier for me to concentrate on posture, expression etc.

Yeah I am trying to figure out what to focus on: looksmaxing (clothes, skin, teeth), new gear (I have an old Canon SLR which takes decent pictures if the lighting is good, but doing shoots by my self is a challenge), working out/getting lean, improving social life and expand my social circle, cold approaching (scares the shit out of me despite all the good things I've read about the AA program), improve finances and start budgeting/saving etc.

Keep trying on your phone and if your taking out a loan for the camera. Consider renting it instead. It’s going to be cheaper. But have a location and photo ideas before you rent it.

I might end up investing in the EosR if I know my self correctly. Used they are going for around $1200 - and there's a ton of other things I can do with that money to help me towards getting laid more. At the same time I'm thinking: improving looks will help with real life interactions, but having shit pictures - even with better looks will not improve my tinder experience at all. So it's a balancing act in a sense.

Also I do feel confident that I know how to shoot decent pictures in terms of location, framing/composition, lighting and post-processing. Been doing photographing as a hobby for several years already. What I really like about the Eos-R is that it can auto-focus on your face which takes out a ton of the hassle of having to run back and forth inbetween each photo to check if the focus is decent.

So have 5 ideas for photos and take all these in your phone. Post them here and if they are good ideas rent out a camera for a week and redo the same photos with better quality.

Great idea! I'll scout for locations when I have the time during the day, and it's not snowing heavily/raining like it's been for the last week.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
45k is not a small city, it's a small town. Hard to play the numbers game when you don't have the numbers.

Definitely, unfortunately. And yeah I'm calling a city sinse it's big compared to where I've lived the last couple of years
Hard2Focus said:
KillYourInnerLoser said:
45k is not a small city, it's a small town. Hard to play the numbers game when you don't have the numbers.

Definitely, unfortunately. And yeah I'm calling a city sinse it's big compared to where I've lived the last couple of years

Invest that $1200 in an apartment close to the center of a major metropolitan city. This will be the biggest boost to your sex life that the money can provide.
In my hometown, my dating life was REKT. Took extreme grinding to get 3 dates.

My hometown has a population of 400,000, and absolutely nothing was happening for me there, ever. I am something of an extreme case, yes, but when I went to London, where there is a population of 8 million, I got to my goal of 8 dates by the end of 2021 with 28 days to spare.

You are 100 x better looking than I could ever dream of being and you already have women who like you enough to fuck you.

Moving would give you a great dating life, and easily.

A quick win for you. Consider it man.

Any of these pics usable? All are edited in faceapp and I'd like to use one as it shows off my small tattoo + that I'm into i.e going for a swim in the winter/cold showers.
Hard2Focus said:
Any of these pics usable? All are edited in faceapp and I'd like to use one as it shows off my small tattoo + that I'm into i.e going for a swim in the winter/cold showers.

If you use them, I would cut them off around the waist. The angle/pose is a bit awkward, but from the waist up you look good.
Allright boys, here's a small selection of usable pics out of the 400 or so that my buddy got of me.
Atm I feel like I'm going to go for the one I'm using for my profile pic, only in higher resolution and smoother editing tho..

These images are very good!

You' look good - masculine, chiselled.

Have you read Radical's style guide? Many of us LOVE it, and some of the most successful men here swear by it.
