Has anyone tried a dating coach?


Nov 1, 2022
Gentlemen, do you have advice for me on hiring a dating coach?

I think a coach could be beneficial for me because I've not been single since the Clinton administration, and I feel a lot more comfortable on discussion forums like this than dating apps!

I'd like to work with someone who specializes in helping men specifically. I signed up for KYIL because I highly value accountability and progress, though Andy's focus may be a little sexual for me personally. I'm older, and I'm specifically seeking companionship and a long-term partner.

I'm considering a few coaches I've seen online, specifically Blaine Anderson and Dave Perotta (links removed by admin)

Has anyone worked with any of these coaches? Would you recommend them, or another coach? Andy, do you have thoughts?

Thanks for your help.

- George
Hey george_w

Please dont post outside links

You can only market your own website in profile signatures and this looks a little dodgy when you only have a couple of posts on the forum

I have not heard of either of those guys