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Help improve my wokrout split


May 10, 2021
gyms are open finally (only six days)

my small waist to shoulder ratio is my strong point and I want to mainly build that wide physique (big lats, side delts)

please add any suggestions to my custom made program (I train the sixth day at home )
8 total sets (4 of which are of an isolation movement) is a pretty laughable total weekly volume for half of your body.

What makes you think you need a custom program? If you are asking for critique on your program, you're probably better off following something from the internet. PHUL, 5/3/1 with any of the templates (but especially BBB Beefcake and Building The Monolith), the reddit PPL, Stronger by Science 2, and other programs are all fantastic and I would recommend any of them, whichever looks most fun to you.
Hitting back three times a week is too much.

You can build a wide physique with back twice a week if that wants to be your focus.

Fit in some more legs and a bit more chest too.

Also 2 dedicated arm days per week is too much.

Just one would suffice.

Also you need more volume in general.

Some of your workouts have like a total of 11 sets. Way too little.

General Workout Split if you want to maximize back width

Monday: Legs + Calves
Tuesday: Full Back Day (6-7 exercises total of 25-30 sets - rows, pull ups (assisted), pull downs, pull overs etc...)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Chest + Shoulders
Friday: Arms
Saturday: Back + Abs + Rear Delts + Traps
Sunday: Rest

Wrote this in 5 minutes but this is what I'd do if I were you.

Could even shorten this to 4 days if you're going to hit more volume and don't want to go too ham cause this is like a bodybuilders program that is maximizing all the muscles. With your program you're going to build some width but with no legs and a shitty chest, it's just going to look weird. Chicks like big butts and legs on dudes, seriously, it's underrated af.

Could even just do Push Pulls Legs - Repeat 4-5 days per week and focus on lat development and add in 1-2 exercises on your pulls days and that would suffice for adding some extra width to your back if you wanted to.

Then on your push day do like 6-7 sets of lateral raises.
I'll throw in my two cents, since weirdly, my back is my most complemented body-area to date (even more than my abs and ass). Don't think I have any good pics on the forums but most of the girls who've felt me up have commented on it at some point.
I think most of it came from rock climbing. I rock climbed a ton for about two~three years (for reference, I peaked around 5.13's and V6's plus one V7 & V8), and it absolutely blew out my lats, at least relative to what they were before. Since you use your legs, it's almost always possible to go way past failure, and the adrenaline high helps a ton for pushing harder than last time. Not super targeted, but a good break from the monotony of doing five thousand variations on lifting heavy things and putting them back down. The causality on this may be backward (naturally big back -> I like rock climbing b/c I can do it well -> I rock climb more often, v/s rock climbing often -> big back) but either way, that's been my experience.
dashedhopes said:
Monday: Legs + Calves
Tuesday: Full Back Day (6-7 exercises total of 25-30 sets - rows, pull ups (assisted), pull downs, pull overs etc...)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Chest + Shoulders
Friday: Arms
Saturday: Back + Abs + Rear Delts + Traps
Sunday: Rest

PK47 this^

There's no special exercises for any of this. Just the appropriate ones.

Bigger Legs - Squats, Lunges, Bulgarian Split Squats, Lying Hamstring Curls, Leg Extensions, Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Broader Shoulders - Overhead Press, Reverse Flies, Lateral Raises
Back Width - Lat Pulldowns, Cable Pullovers, Assisted Pull Ups

Better squeeze! You can focus on the actual muscle you're working instead of struggling on bodyweight ones. At least this is what I find.