Help which pictures to choose for initial dating profile


Dec 7, 2022
Hey guys,

Just started to get into online dating and these are basically all the decent ish pictures of me from the last ~4 years.
I definitely see that I have to take much better pictures of me (it's on my timeline in roughly 1 month, currently busy with job interviews/moving)
Until then I'd to already start using online dating, I'm not sure which pictures to use though.
Would be grateful for any advice you guys have!
Hey man, and welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately your photos aren't going to give you any (if at all) results in online dating.
The dog photos make you look overweight, selfies are a big no-no unless it's a mirror selfie showing off a jacked body or a cool situation (i.e concert with friends or some hot chicks).
The two identical travel photos isn't really showing off much of either your face or your body/fashion.

You need to read and follow through with as much advice as possible from Andys tinder-guide. It's basically a step 0 when it comes to improving your success in online dating:

If you're serious about all of this it's basically required that you define some goals to work towards, start a progress log and ask questions at any point if you want feedback/tips.