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Help with pictures


Oct 19, 2020
Hello all,

I just started getting into online dating a couple of weeks ago after reading Andy's Guides (Thanks Andy). So far, I have some success with hinge, but not any of the other apps. Even tinder with boost only gets me one match that I wouldn't be interested in.
Those are the current pictures that I use:
And the link below has some other potentials.
I need your opinion please.

BTW all BDSM photos that I tried, got flagged on all apps. I started using the lion picture, and got no matches. I switched to Andy's picture with the teddy bears and got some matches, however, one of my dates said she almost didn't hit like because of it and thought that I would be into dressing up like teddy bears while having sex.

I have most of the RAW files, so any picture can be edited or photoshopped as necessary.

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: The links are now restricted. I'll be posting newer photos again after putting in some more work. Thanks for all the help.
You need to lose some weight dude

Suits are probably the way forward right now but those dont look exceptionally well fitted

Also you are alone in all these pics and there isnt much interesting stuff going on.

You got any cool hobbies?
Radical said:
however, one of my dates said she almost didn't hit like because of it and thought that I would be into dressing up like teddy bears while having sex.
Did you fuck this date? If not, then I dont think opinion of a girl you did not fuck should have much impact on your photo choice.

The rest is exactly as Radical said.
Thanks guys for the feedback.
Yea I need to lose like 20 Kg and build some muscles. I'm paranoid about going to the gym or being indoors anywhere public during this pandemic, but that's no excuse and I have to figure it out.

I'm starting to lose weight and the suits wouldn't stay fit for long anyway... not sure what to do here, but good point.

I have many friends, but taking pictures with people where I look good is challenging. The angle is either bad or my smile/expression is no good, Ideas?

Hobbies are:
1 - Hiking,
2 - Photography (more into landscapes and long exposures, but I shoot many other genres),
3 - Cycling (I look ridiculous in the current cycling pictures because I dress for comfort and functionality, but I can probably fix that and work on getting some good pics while on a bike)
4 - Amateur radio which is probably too nerdy, but it could be cool to mention that I have a radio station license...maybe?
5 - Karate, I have a black belt. I don't mention it because it's been awhile since I practiced and I'm currently out of shape.

What kind of interesting stuff could I have going on in my pictures? ideas are welcomed.

Lostcause, The logistics didn't work out on our first date, but we did enough in my car. I think I'll take her opinion into consideration haha
agam said:
Yea I need to lose like 20 Kg and build some muscles. I'm paranoid about going to the gym or being indoors anywhere public during this pandemic, but that's no excuse and I have to figure it out.

I agree that losing weight is your biggest priority right now. The easiest way to start exercising when gyms are closed because of the pandemic: resistance bands. They won't be as effective as real weights, but it's better than nothing at this point. Good for building the habit, and since it's less challenging than weights, it's also good practice for your form, too. They're very cheap from where I'm from, but I think it's also cheap there.

agam said:
4 - Amateur radio which is probably too nerdy, but it could be cool to mention that I have a radio station license...maybe?

And I'm into hobbyist electronics. As in, programming microcontrollers and building circuits in breadboards. But I was able to teach a previous date I had long ago how to blink an LED with some code and wires. Nothing is too nerdy; in fact, girls love it seeing a guy build something. In fact, stop thinking that you are into amateur radio, but start thinking what cool stuff you can do with amateur radio. For example, I can build a Bluetooth RC Car with a date if I have my own place and we have enough time. Maybe you can teach her how to access radio stations with her favorite music genre? I'm throwing ideas here.

agam said:
5 - Karate, I have a black belt. I don't mention it because it's been awhile since I practiced and I'm currently out of shape.

Wtf you have a black belt. You should mention it, and I believe you have some really interesting stories about it. Not to mention, you may have learned a thing or 2 about the human body and self-defense. How do I think I can translate that to dating? Easy. Self-defense and anti-rape advice. Think of different stuff you can do with what you have

Anyway, I'm just throwing some ideas, but losing weight is your biggest priority.
Thanks SIGMA. I'll look into resistance bands and work on getting a pic with the karate gi, and on a bike.
Dude, I didn't even think of electronics lol I'm an engineer and I have done everything with electronics and programmed micro-controllers and microprocessors in assembly and in C. Amature radio is like the side effect of that haha. You should look into it I think you'll like it. Very few countries don't allow it, hopefully your country isn't one of those.
Yeah, if I had black belt, half of my tinder photos would be karate pics haha. May be worth getting leaner before doing photos like that.

Its also worth showing off a passion for photography - probably the best way would be a photo of you doing a photoshoot with some hot chick.
Lostcause said:
I'm an engineer and I have done everything with electronics and programmed micro-controllers and microprocessors in assembly and in C.

I'm also an engineer! I got into Arduino instead. Lots of cool projects you can do with it. It's all about how you make it an experience with the girl. I can't wait to do this again when things get back to normal.