Help with Tinder pics: Need your opinon and advice


Jul 22, 2021
Hey guys

Those are the current pictures i use on dating sites, i do get matches here and there and it goes well afterwards but i want to get better results, i'd love to get your feedback about them and which of the is better, worse, which should i not use at all and a which order should i put them on.

I used my cellphone, i know it's no ideal but that's what i have at the moment.

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The current order:
Im no expert but i can mention a few things.
1. Lose some fat, you have quite a lot.
2. need a pic with some friends and a girl
3. include some pics where you do your hobbys.
4. too many dogpics
5. no cool pics of you with cool/edy clothes. atm it's avarage clothes.
if you dont have any hobbys, get some and make yourself a more interesting person.
Try to look at it this way:
You wanna present a story about yourself through your pictures. Right now the story is that you have many pics of yourself (not doing anything interesting) and 3 pictures of yourself with dogs. Kind of bland.
thats my 2 cents atleast but remember i havent even used tinder in many years so my comment is based on my observation of comments from more experianced tinder peeps on this forum.
Lose fat, whiten your teeth, and get rid of that photo with the sphinx cat ASAP. The cat can be used for some excellent photos, but that one is not it. It's unsettling.

You also have a photo during what looks like golden hour, but the light is being too intense from behind you; you should be using that light to illuminate you.
Vice awesome! thanks for the tips!
I'm already working on losing fat part,
how would you suggest to use the sphinx?
ilyawein14 said:
@Vice awesome! thanks for the tips!
I'm already working on losing fat part,
how would you suggest to use the sphinx?

Not sure, but if I had one, I'd find inspiration by looking at tags on Instagram and google searching "sexy sphinx cat" with some other key words.

Also keep in mind that a sphinx cat is a very niche creature, and taking good photos with it may be difficult as well as polarizing your audience.

I personally love cats, but I try to avoid photos with any animal on my online dating and just keep it to my Instagram (I funnel girls to my IG so they know I have a soul lmao)
Thanks Vice! what about my puppy? do you think i should get rid of one of the pics ? and which ?
ilyawein14 said:
Thanks @Vice! what about my puppy? do you think i should get rid of one of the pics ? and which ?

In my experience, any animal can be polarizing; some women hate cats, some women hate dogs. It could lead to an unnecessarily polarizing profile. Polarization isn't a bad thing at all since it can be used to screen out time wasters (see Andy's articles), but I'd personally put animals as polarization items that aren't helpful in the same manner as, say, BDSM photos are.

I'd love other guy's opinion on this, this is mostly me speculating. I have photos of me with a variety of animals on my Instagram, which girls I match with on online dating eventually see once they've been funneled in.
Ilya, is that like Ukrainian or Russian? In the US, pic #1 would look like a poor, small town person. If that's your vibe and culture then great, but otherwise I'd skip it.

The cat: It looks badass in black and white. In color, I don't like sphinx with their pink skin, they look weird. The major problem with the pic is it looks like you're naked in bed with a naked cat. Still, I'd go ahead and give this pic a try. It's unique and a conversation topic. You can always pull it out, or replace it later. Women love animals in general so I wouldn't shy away from pet pics.

#7 dog pic is decent. I'd stick to one pet pic though. Choose either the cat or the dog.

I like #6. It's a cool setting and shows you doing something interesting.

#2 is ok. Use it for now. You want a nice dressed style pic, but I'd look to upgrade on this one.

Top suggestions: get a new style pic. and a group pic.
1. Get dressed in your best look for a night on the town. have a friend take a bunch of pics and choose the best one.
2. Get a group pic with some friends, ideally with a girl or 2 in the mix. Doesn't have to be great or special. Just show that you're social and girls are comfortable around you.