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Help with tinder Profile


Nov 2, 2020
I've been dragging my feet overthinking my tinder profile. Will get it set up right now. Please help me figure out which photos to use. I will put black bars over the eyes of the wedding pictures. #13 is not really mine but I thought it would be a good way to filter for DTF. Also curious which order I should put these photos in. My facebook profile is in my signature so feel free to add me and sort through there as well. For my profile was thinking:

"Cute enough to sleep with not nearly mature or stable enough to marry"

Any feedback helps.

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The mask one is nice, but doesn't really show your looks, since well, it's a mask (or a paint, whatever) and your head is sideways. Good but not for a main photo.
The wedding photos - you cannot fit them onto tinder. You will need to crop them, and they will look like shit then. I suppose the last wedding photo can be cropped onto tinder, but you look a little like a third wheel there. Also bluring friend's faces/blackbaring gives a feeling you are ashamed of showing your friends there, as if it was something bad or strange. Andy speaks about it on one of his podcasts and I kinda agree.
The lying down photos - you look quite good, but I don't think the pose is really interesting or flattering. Also, it's landscape, so cannot really fit into tinder like this.
BDSM toys - I guess all the girls are going to ask you whether it's your collection. I also guess they are gonna be disappointed when you say its random internet photo. I guess it works for Andy, because he puts the BDSM photos he made himself. I am not a BDSM master tho, so take this as opinion, not a fact.
The last one - not a big fan of this 'meme' format for a tinder photos, also I don't think it's really flattering you standing there in a sweaty shirt.
The shirtless photo - you are kinda too far to see your physique.
The rest - I don't like the rest. Either looking amateurish or not looking good.