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Hinge Anyone? - Feedback on Photos Needed


Mar 20, 2022
Hi Guys,

I am based in Melbourne - Australia. A couple of friends recommended me to use Hinge as they both have been successful with that app here in Melbourne. One of them is an African dude (late 20's) and the other guy is an average-looking Aussie dude that just turned 40 and met his current Girlfriend on that app.

I have not been successful with dating apps so far although I haven't done too bad picking up in real life. However, since I am older and I am not going out that often anymore I want to make these dating apps work for me.

I only installed Hinge yesterday so I know it is soon. However, I know other people that got likes straight away. I have only got 1 like from an ugly, old & fat woman (sounds offensive but it is true) and all the hot girls have pretty much disappeared from my feed already.

I am 39 years old but I have decreased my age to 35 since most people tell me I look younger. I had these photos rated in Photofeeler (standard rating by 20 Girls) earlier today with the first one getting an 8/10 in looks, second one 7.1/10, third one 7/10 and the rest lower. The photos have been post-edited using Lensa & FaceApp but with some basic stuff, not cat-fishing.

The main feedback I got from Photofeeler is that "I look too intense", "They would like a different expression", etc. So I think one of the reasons the first photo scored higher was because I look happier.

PS: All these photos have been taken within the last 5 months or so.

Any help would be appreciated.


Don't have any specific feedback, I just wanted to say that I think it's super hilarious that you're wearing an RHCP shirt and kinda resemble a younger Anthony Kiedis, lmao.
Squilliam said:
Don't have any specific feedback, I just wanted to say that I think it's super hilarious that you're wearing an RHCP shirt and kinda resemble a younger Anthony Kiedis, lmao.

Thanks Buddy! That's actually a compliment because I have met many girls that like Anthony Kiedis including one ex of mine from years ago. However, still no luck despite the resemblance :(
Hey bro! I see that you've read the guide and are trying to implement these things which is super cool.

You look great, especially for your age. The value you're trying to show needs some tweaking + since you're older, women expect different things. They'll look more to see if you are successful and classy over straight-up hot dude.

Pic 1: Needs better fashion, the way you lean over is a bit feminine or at least not masculine (fix posture). I don't think green/woods backgrounds do well except for travel or dog pics.

Pic 2: See this would be cool for an 18-year-old but you're 39. Graffiti is low value for grown-up men. You'll have to think of restaurants, cool coffee shops, ... as a background + improves fashion.

Your activity shots are low value. You could be reading a book in a hotel with a nice view whilst laying on a sofa. Think more in these terms when making your activity shots :)
I don't think lying about your age helps anything. I know it's counter to the common narrative, but assuming a guy looks good, you don't do better setting your age lower. Higher results in you not showing up in their "stack" unprompted as often, so you get less naked likes, but it doesn't do anything in terms of where you show up in their stack if you liked them. I've only had a handful of girls reject based on age, and gotten more good comments than bad about it.

That said, I don't think your style and hair are congruent with what 39yo would want to project on there. I really don't like the haircut. Pics in super casual fits are fine, but if you're older you probably don't want them as the entirety of your profile. Don't go full old man / james bond type clothes either, but graphic tees and baggy jeans are not what I'd be leaning into.

This is what I've been using with very good results:
You’re almost there, just need to improve your ‘branding’

Look up Tanner Guzys video: dressing for your age
Zug said:
I don't think lying about your age helps anything. I know it's counter to the common narrative, but assuming a guy looks good, you don't do better setting your age lower. Higher results in you not showing up in their "stack" unprompted as often, so you get less naked likes, but it doesn't do anything in terms of where you show up in their stack if you liked them. I've only had a handful of girls reject based on age, and gotten more good comments than bad about it.

That said, I don't think your style and hair are congruent with what 39yo would want to project on there. I really don't like the haircut. Pics in super casual fits are fine, but if you're older you probably don't want them as the entirety of your profile. Don't go full old man / james bond type clothes either, but graphic tees and baggy jeans are not what I'd be leaning into.

This is what I've been using with very good results:

On Hinge he has no reason to lie about his age because you want to get her attention with your message and she won’t even check the age.

On Tinder he should lower his age and hide it.

OP can only take inspiration from your 1st,2nd and maybe cat pic. You are objectively amongst the top attractive guys so the “rules” in terms of profile don’t apply to you. OP is also an attractive man but above average instead of hot which means he’ll have to add more value through his lifestyle upon his looks
Hi Guys!

Thanks for the feedback. Will take it into account to do some "re-branding".

kratjeuh said:
Zug said:
I don't think lying about your age helps anything. I know it's counter to the common narrative, but assuming a guy looks good, you don't do better setting your age lower. Higher results in you not showing up in their "stack" unprompted as often, so you get less naked likes, but it doesn't do anything in terms of where you show up in their stack if you liked them. I've only had a handful of girls reject based on age, and gotten more good comments than bad about it.

That said, I don't think your style and hair are congruent with what 39yo would want to project on there. I really don't like the haircut. Pics in super casual fits are fine, but if you're older you probably don't want them as the entirety of your profile. Don't go full old man / james bond type clothes either, but graphic tees and baggy jeans are not what I'd be leaning into.

This is what I've been using with very good results:

On Hinge he has no reason to lie about his age because you want to get her attention with your message and she won’t even check the age.

On Tinder he should lower his age and hide it.

OP can only take inspiration from your 1st,2nd and maybe cat pic. You are objectively amongst the top attractive guys so the “rules” in terms of profile don’t apply to you. OP is also an attractive man but above average instead of hot which means he’ll have to add more value through his lifestyle upon his looks

I've tried showing age on Tinder, hiding it with it set to 40, and hiding with it set to 25. There was no material difference for me between them. Agree that Hinge is all about your opener.
Hi Guys,

As I am a musician (my dayjob is mortgage/finance broking but music is my passion) I have added a small video to my Hinge profile replacing one of the lower quality photos.

It is taken from a friends/family gig I did at a friend's baby shower in November 2022.

I think it would show an important side of me and also show that the photos are not cat-fished although they had some basic edits.
You should try everything to figure out what works for you—

Problem with this vid is you don’t seem dominant, cool, and sexy. That’s what we’re aiming for here. You’re kinda off by yourself doing your own thing while the party mills about.

Saying you work in Finance is great since
career is a major draw for women past 30
Lou said:
Hi Guys,

As I am a musician (my dayjob is mortgage/finance broking but music is my passion) I have added a small video to my Hinge profile replacing one of the lower quality photos.

It is taken from a friends/family gig I did at a friend's baby shower in November 2022.

I think it would show an important side of me and also show that the photos are not cat-fished although they had some basic edits.



I've never used video on Hinge, but you're well dressed and you play well. I'd think it be great improvement to the profile. But of course the only true way to know is test it out. You'll know if it's a hit if girls mention it in there messages to you or when hooking up with you later.

For example, I had a few girls tell me they matched because of my smiling photo, so I went out and took a couple more smiling. Others have said they really like the one with my guitar, so I'd run it as the lead photo for a while. If I wore a particular outfit that got lots of comments when doing cold approach, I'd make sure to take a photo in it.

Just like business, talk to your customer (girls), find out what they like, then give it to them. Know your market.
Bman said:
Lou said:
Hi Guys,

As I am a musician (my dayjob is mortgage/finance broking but music is my passion) I have added a small video to my Hinge profile replacing one of the lower quality photos.

It is taken from a friends/family gig I did at a friend's baby shower in November 2022.

I think it would show an important side of me and also show that the photos are not cat-fished although they had some basic edits.



I've never used video on Hinge, but you're well dressed and you play well. I'd think it be great improvement to the profile. But of course the only true way to know is test it out. You'll know if it's a hit if girls mention it in there messages to you or when hooking up with you later.

For example, I had a few girls tell me they matched because of my smiling photo, so I went out and took a couple more smiling. Others have said they really like the one with my guitar, so I'd run it as the lead photo for a while. If I wore a particular outfit that got lots of comments when doing cold approach, I'd make sure to take a photo in it.

Just like business, talk to your customer (girls), find out what they like, then give it to them. Know your market.

Thanks Bro!

As mentioned, it is a matter of trial an error. The problem with me is that patience is not one of my virtues so I am working on keeping my cool while I experiment with this stuff.
klondike said:
You should try everything to figure out what works for you—

Problem with this vid is you don’t seem dominant, cool, and sexy. That’s what we’re aiming for here. You’re kinda off by yourself doing your own thing while the party mills about.

Saying you work in Finance is great since
career is a major draw for women past 30

Thanks Bud. I have placed the video towards the end with the Prompt "proof that I have musical talent" so it is a secondary thing after the main photos which would be more important but it will be a matter of experimenting and see what works out.
I caught your post on the Melbourne thread.

Apps are about two things:
1. Being physically attractive and/or representing such through photos.
2. Appearing normal OR having a specific archetype. The former is conveyed through subtle body languages cues in photos that women are highly attuned to. The latter is done conveyed by polarization through style and hobbies.

If you're hearing about guys who are doing OK, they're probably either more normal than you think or more attractive than you think.

For us non-normal guys, learning how to appear normal is the hardest thing.

I will give you some harsh feedback: you do not come off as normal.

Your facial expressions are off. Your body language is off. Your photos signal loneliness.

The video you just added: Your body looks scrunched together. Your face is tense. You're alone, playing guitar with a child in frame who appears to completely disregard you, and no one else. Nothing about this is attractive to women.

No amount of FaceApp or DSLR cameras are going to fix this. You must fix this, either by practicing posing or fundamentally changing your vibe.
pancakemouse said:
I caught your post on the Melbourne thread.

Apps are about two things:
1. Being physically attractive and/or representing such through photos.
2. Appearing normal OR having a specific archetype. The former is conveyed through subtle body languages cues in photos that women are highly attuned to. The latter is done conveyed by polarization through style and hobbies.

If you're hearing about guys who are doing OK, they're probably either more normal than you think or more attractive than you think.

For us non-normal guys, learning how to appear normal is the hardest thing.

I will give you some harsh feedback: you do not come off as normal.

Your facial expressions are off. Your body language is off. Your photos signal loneliness.

The video you just added: Your body looks scrunched together. Your face is tense. You're alone, playing guitar with a child in frame who appears to completely disregard you, and no one else. Nothing about this is attractive to women.

No amount of FaceApp or DSLR cameras are going to fix this. You must fix this, either by practicing posing or fundamentally changing your vibe.

Hi. Thanks for your feedback.

I am definitely not "normal" but I am not a weirdo either. I am both introverted and extroverted and in social situations people normally like me and I can talk to anyone.

The problem with the photos is that I am not naturally photogenic. When I just act "normal" and smile I do not look tend to look attractive on photos. As I also mentioned on the other member profile photos/Melbourne thread, I have not had issues attracting women in real life situations. I even had girls taking the first step or giving me obvious signals that they were interested. This has happened with ugly, average and hot girls throughout my 15 years living here. For example, my last girlfriend used to work at a Cafe from which I used to get my coffee everyday and one time she wrote her number on the coffee cup and that was how we started dating.

So it is not that Melbourne is bad or super difficult unless you are a "chad". However, when it comes to dating apps I have never had any success while the other guys I listed on the other topic have done pretty well. And, as I said, none of them used professional photos, Face App or anything like that. Some of them are better looking than others but none of them is amazingly good-looking/rich/famous/etc.

Anyway, I'll keep trying with the photos thing.

Lou said:
The problem with the photos is that I am not naturally photogenic. When I just act "normal" and smile I do not look tend to look attractive on photos.

Everyone has this problem, good photos require lots and lots effort. I spent many sessions taking photos and getting 0 good results.