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How attractive do you have to be?

Its a threshold thing

With some chicks its higher, others not so much

You will be surprised sometimes when very hot chicks have a low threshold and average chicks have ridiculous expectations
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Show the tinder pics you're using, not your hairy body... ;)

Tinder is all about marketing yourself with good pics:

So in your opinion would it be better to just wait until I have photos that are quality like yours or chado’s? Just comparing some of the pics I’ve been able to take myself to you guys photos is like night and day. The ones at the top with more beard are the most recent (pink shirt was just yesterday). To me at least, there all pretty bad except for pink shirt and that’s debatable, but they’re the best I can do for now. Oh and my new bio is “swipe right to claim your 6ft bearded mountain man”, trying to play off the nature-y vibe in the pics. Before that it was “ 5’11”, mixed, athletic “. I took your advice and gave myself the half inch.

I'd keep the nature vibe and make it seem more intentional and controlled

Top guys, there's rarely if ever anything random about their looks

Check out Russell Brand - I think he's the closest media celebrity who has more of a nature vibe, also very feminine for a guy, yet kills it

Maybe try taking pics in nature? What do you like to do? Hit that strenght hard.
bro just buy a 20 dollar tripod, a 180 dollar secondhand dslr/mirrorless camera with a kit lens on ebay, then go into the nature and take photos of yourself. done. lol.
JamalHash123 said:
bro just buy a 20 dollar tripod, a 180 dollar secondhand dslr/mirrorless camera with a kit lens on ebay, then go into the nature and take photos of yourself. done. lol.

Will do. How did you go about your photos?
chado said:
@dimixer36 what do you look like clean shaven or with 5 o clock shadow?

Sorry for the quality, it’s my ID but it’s the only photo where I don’t have either an Afro or a beard.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Scroll down in that article I linked. Look at the old profiles I was using.

My profile didn't start out the way it is now - it took me years of experimenting. (You can do it quicker, for all the reasons I wrote here:

Yeah I see what you mean, they didn’t start out as good as they are now. I guess I have to take Jamals advice and get some even better ones.