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How do I look right now and where should I go with it?


May 13, 2021
Hey guys,
Im planning on changing my image/look in the next weeks. As already stated in my introduction; Im either not as good looking as I used to be or I was attractive because of other factors than my looks. Because of that I want to know how much I should change and in which direction I should go style-wise. With that in mind I have a few questions regarding my looks right now and how I should go about it in the future.

1. Where would you put me on a scale ranging 1-10 in terms of looks?
2. Which of the photos (the shots of me to date) are looking the best and why? (I have a few pictures with friends, but I didnt ask them for permission, so I cant post them)
3. What kind of changes do you think I should make style or image-wise to look better?

Side Note:
In general I think one of my main problems is that I look „young“ in a negative sense. I sadly cant grow a beard and dont have a strong jawline. You can see that in my photos. In the suit photo you can see that I have a good jawline, but in front shots it doenst show, because its not strong enough. My bodyfat is already in the single digits, so I dont think I can improve on that, but maybe stuff like piercings, other hairstyles etc.?