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How do I start getting into photography for online dating?

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
I committed to improving my dating and love life 6 months ago. Since then I have lost 20kg and dropped to 15% BF, and have radically improved sense of style and fashion.

At one point I picked up my dads old DSLR. It manage to take a few great shots of the world round me, but none of myself due to the lack of a tripod. I endded up not really following up on that.

Now I want to pick it up again. Having top quality shots would definitly help with the online dating, plus, I'm starting to get heaviliy into the FetLife scene, so being able ot take great shots of girls tied up and bruised will definitly give me the edge there.

Thing is I don't know where to begin in terms of learning or enjoying photography. I don't want to become profesisonal photography like Andy is, but I still want to be enthusiacic and enjoy the process, rather than treat it as a means to an end.
I've been photographing on and off since I was around 15-16. I'd say just take more photos of whatever, try and learn a thing or two about basic image composition (as in: use the on-screen grid and place elements you're shooting where the lines overlap). See if you find some photographers that inspire you. When I used to live in Oslo I loved going around the city taking photos of interesting places and buildings.

If you want to get better at lighting, watch a video or two about that (or read a book) and try to have that in mind when shooting.

It's like any other hobby that you'd want to get good at, like playing the guitar, you have to do it consistently over time so that you'll get past the newbie-part.
Sin Silver said:
I committed to improving my dating and love life 6 months ago. Since then I have lost 20kg and dropped to 15% BF, and have radically improved sense of style and fashion.

At one point I picked up my dads old DSLR. It manage to take a few great shots of the world round me, but none of myself due to the lack of a tripod. I endded up not really following up on that.

Now I want to pick it up again. Having top quality shots would definitly help with the online dating, plus, I'm starting to get heaviliy into the FetLife scene, so being able ot take great shots of girls tied up and bruised will definitly give me the edge there.

Thing is I don't know where to begin in terms of learning or enjoying photography. I don't want to become profesisonal photography like Andy is, but I still want to be enthusiacic and enjoy the process, rather than treat it as a means to an end.

I picked up a camera last year, started taking photos of myself and my friends, and now I'm building a Dating Photography business!

I've taken photos of several people on these forums even!

I'd get a tripod, a 50mm lens (f/2 or wider aperture), and a remote shooting mechanism.

EDIT: I don't use the remote shooting mechanism anymore. I just set my camera to auto-take a photo every second.

Just have fun with it! I sucked at first but over time I got better and better.

Also get Lightroom and Photoshop. Adobe has a $10/month option for these two apps - Lightroom released some MAJOR improvements last week - automagical subject masking and some others.

Watch some free Youtube tutorials. I still learn a lot from those even though I've been using Photoshop since I was a preteen.